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Ahn Yujin
Active Now

Jo Yuri:
Can I ask you something?

Ahn Yujin:
What do you want? You're already asking.

Jo Yuri:
You're hard to handle.

Ahn Yujin:
And so are you.

Jo Yuri:
Nevermind. I'll go straight to the point. Do you have a friend that is like a duck? The girl in front of me is frozen and she looks like she's about to slap someone. She's weird.

Ahn Yujin:
How did you know?

Jo Yuri:
Uh, I really don't know the connection between the two of you. She's wearing the school's basketball team jacket and you're also a basketball player.

Ahn Yujin:
She's a friend.

Jo Yuri:
Got you. I'll just tap her 'cause she's still not moving. She's scaring the hell out of me.
Seen 4:23

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