Something Different

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I'm alive everyone!! It has been a very hectic and crazy time but I am so excited for you guys to read this next part.

Hope you enjoy it...and hope you are prepared ;-)


February 2014

(Astrid's POV):

I was back in the states, once again. The routine of flying to London and staying with Tom for a week and coming back home for another few weeks, has been tiring. And today, I feel like the traveling has taken a toll on me. That or it was the crappy weather.

I sit on the window seat in my resently purchased appartment in heart of LA. the white walls have yet to be touched by the warm cream color that I bought. Missed matched furniture is spaced throughout the appartment and picture frames have yet to be hung on the walls. I have procrastinated from doing anything by completely avoiding the country. Whenever I tell Tom this all he does is shake his head. He has offered to come over and help for a few days but I told him he has to stay in London and finish his play he has been casted in. But being the gentleman he is, he still insists to fly here.

I trace water droplets of rain down the glass of the widow with my finger. It has been storming for the past day. No sight of the usual friendly, warm sun that usually greets LA. All that I see now is sky the color of wet clay and lightning.

The rhythmic patter of the rain hitting the windows relaxes me. I have been feeling anxious and nervous and I don't know why. I haven't been feeling the greatest either. My head has been spining and my back hurts. Usually this happens when it rains, plus I have been on the treadmill, nothing out of the ordinary.

What really troubles me is the empty refridgerator. I awear I just went shopping last weekend, but apparently I ate everything before it saw the inside of the fridge. At this moments I have a craving for peanut butter and pretzels, but there's nothing there.

I jump as a clack of thunder shakes the house. I look down at my lap and see that my phone has lighten up with a messgae from Ingrid.

Perfect timing.


I smile and reply, Anything to save me from this boardem.

Ingrid texts back immediately, Pick you up in ten.

I smile and run to my room to get dressed.


(Ingrid's POV):

Astrid has been worrying me. She seems oblivious to the fact that she isn't herself. Ever since she came back from London from visiting Tom on his birthday she has been sick, every morning.

She texted me las tt night and said she vomited. I just rolled my eyes and kept waiting for hee to ask me for something.

I have that something today, so I can give them to her after lunch. I'm going to have a little chit chat with her, and I hope she is prepared.

Astrid runs from her appartment doors to the car as fast as she can, trying to avoid as much rain as possible. She looks like she just got out of bed. She has skipped the make up except for some mascara. She wears slightly ripped jeans and sneakers with a hoodie. Her hair is up in a pony tail. Yet she still manages to look gorgeous.

"Well, you look comfortable," I greet.

Astrid shivers from the sudden cold of outside and scans me up and down.

"You look too professional," she jokes. But it isn't a joke. I wear black heels and a pencil skirt with a light pink blouse, my usual.

I open my mouth to say something but I close it just as fast because Astrid doesn't let me, "Where are we going to eat? I am starving with a capital 'S'."

I roll my eyes and give her a vague answer, "You'll see."


(Astrid's POV):

Let's just say that lunch went a little differntly than usual. In short, I end up leaving the resturant in a hurry and sick to my stomach. My heart beats a mile a minute and I ditched Ingrid to pay the check, well sort of.


She sat across from me but she sat stern. She didn't have the usual carefree eyes and joyful face. She seemed more stoick and serious like she had something she had to tell me. She looked impatient as she tapped her fingers on the table. She didn't' touch her food at first, while I stuffed my face with meat. Ingrid also didn't have the billions of phones she had on her. They were all tucked away in her black purse.

I looked up at her and chewed slowly, "What?"

She simply looks at me, "What happened last week?"

I raise an eyebrow confused, "What do you mean?"

"What happened in London last week?" Ingrid clarifies.

I sat back, "I went to go visit Tom. You know this you set it up."

She shakes her head, " In detail."

My eyes get a little bigger, remembering last weekend adventures, "How much detail?"

Ingrid gets the hint and curses under her breath.

This gets me worried, "Why?"

Ingrid laughs a little as if she can't believe what she is thinking.

"Ingrid," I say.

She looks at me in the eye, "How gullible are you?"

"Excuse me?" I asked astonished.

"Astrid, Think. You text me telling me you have been up all night vomiting. You are eatting way more than you normally do. You have morning sickness and you complain about your back pain."

I shrug, " It's the rain"

Ingrid rolls her eyes again, "Have you taken anything?"

I am confused now, "I don't understand."

Ingrid lowers her voice now, "Astrid, I need to go home now and take these."

She plants a white bag on the table infront of my plate, very unlike her. Curiously, I open the bag to sneek a peek. What is in there suprises me.

I look at her wide eyes. Tears spring into my eyes. Panick rises into my chest. Ingrid sees all this and says, "Go. I'll bring your later. Tell David (the car driver) to take you back."

"What about you," my voice cracks and I grip the bag hard.

"I'll wait here until you tell me to come over."

I nod amd escape the now really hot resturant. The realization hits me like a brick. The things in my hand will only confirm what I already am already connecting to be true in my head.

I am pregnant.


Cliffhangers are just so

Anyways.....what did you guys think???? Thoughts?

Like and comment guys! Your support has been crazy epic and I love you all!!!!! Next part soon, hopefully it is just as jusicy as I plan it will be.

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