"Kila are you okay?" She spoke quickly.

"Do me a favor, will ya?"

"Yes of course," Lry responded almost immediately, "what is it?"

"Around the corner of the tavern are two girls, one with green eyes and the other with blue. Bring them up to my room."

"Kila, I don't think you are in any shape to have visitors," Alex spoke looking down at her, concern in his eyes.

"Just do it, please?"

"Okay," Lry looked towards where the girls were standing, "Go ahead and take her up to her room and start healing her okay?" Alex nodded. He and Simogan walked into the Tavern. Lry turned and started to walk towards the girls.

"She's coming this way," the green eyed girl whispered frantically to the other.

"Stay calm," The other replied. Lry walked over to the two girls.

"Wow, I didn't even see you standing there," Lry spoke quietly as she scanned the area, her eyes sweeping right over where Kila stood, but she didn't seem to see her. "Can I ask you two to come up to our room please?"

"And why should we do that?" The girl with green eyes retorted but the girl with blue eyes held up her hand.

"What do you want with us?"

"Actually, I have no idea," Both girls raised their brows. "That girl that we just took inside wanted me to bring you up there." They exchanged glances.

"She was unconscious," The girl with green eyes, eyed her.

"Yeah," Lry scratched the back of her neck, "She does that sometimes...Anyway can you deny her after she got the crap beat out of her?" They exchanged glances again. The blue eyed girl gave the other a look and she sighed crossing her arms.

"Fine." She let out a long sigh crossing her arms.

Kila felt a sharp pain run though her leg, she blinked a couple times looking up at the ceiling of her room at the tavern. She shot up before regretting it immediately grabbing her ribs.

"Hold her down," Alex was over her gently pushing her back to the bed. "You need to keep still." She looked up at Alex before she reached up and touched his face.

"I thought I was going to die..."

"Well you almost did," He paused, "Try not to scream." Kila had time to give him a quizzical look before pain shot though her leg again. She started to scream but grabbed the pillow next to her and shoved it in her face biting down hard. There was a loud cracking noise. She uncovered her face and looked down at her leg. The bone was no longer sticking out but the hole was still there. She stared at it for a moment before a hand covered her eyes.

"Don't look at it," it was Simogan's voice. She could hardly think before the pain in her other leg started. She bit down on her lip hard and felt the pressure cause blood to start to well up. There was another cracking noise before the pain started to abate.

"That's all I can do right now," Alex spoke as Simogan removed his hand. "Lry needs to do your ribs and head. Alex looked at her for a moment, his face hard. He cracked a small smile, "I thought we talked about doing stupid things?" Kila laughed, but grabbed her ribs.

"This wasn't my fault," She said looking up at the ceiling. The door opened, there were a few moments where someone was talking then Lry walked into the room.

"Your guests are here," Lry looked her up and down, "You're a compete mess, you know." Lry cracked a smile at her.

"Yeah I know, but I need to speak with them."

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