Chapter 2

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TW WARNING: Swearing, taser torture, abusive relationship mentioned.
Betty's pov:
As I am put into the main office I try to get out but Jughead shuts the door right on my face and locks it. I've had enough but I have no escape yet so I just put on the clothes he gave me. It was a black crop top with black jeans and s big faux fur coat to go with it, at least he thought about putting the coat with it because it's freezing here. I don't know what to do now so I just look around the office, find a blanket in the closet and then lie down on the sofa with it, but then I fall asleep-

Jughead's pov:
I walk up the stairs and unlock the office door to find Betty or should I call her the lazy shit sleeping on the sofa, I shake her to wake her up and then she wakes up with a jump.

"Jesus Christ! You could have at least woke me up without shaking my whole body!"

"You could have least not slept"

"Well when you get kidnapped and have a syringe stabbed in you're neck, you know you get pretty TIRED"

"Well now that you're up, we can start with what I had planned from the start"

"What was that..."

"Sorry sweetheart but I'm gonna  probably have to hurt you in some type of way to get Malachai's attention"

"First of all don't call me that and second of all I think you fucking kidnapping me got his attention"

"Not really, it's still the day I kidnapped you, you know. Anyways you just sit there as I get my keys"

Betty's pov:
I could just run for it, but he'll catch me and it's not like any of the other serpents will help me, so I just sit and wait for him to get whatever he said. He gets the keys and then cuffs my hands again, ugh I really am starting to hate being cuffed. He also tapes duct tape on my mouth, now I'm worried. He leads me downstairs and past all the disgusting pervert serpents who were wolf whistling me, out the door and then sits me in the passenger seat to what is probably his car.

He doesn't say anything to me the whole way apart from telling me to stop moving as I tried to open the car door with my cuffed hands, turns out that doesn't work. He takes me out and literally why did he bring me to his house-, I mean the only reason I know it's his is because Malachai has been there a couple of times when I've been in the car.

"You're probably confused but this is the only place I can do some type of torture to you as there isn't anyone else here"

He brings me into the house takes the keys and unlocks a room that has metal table that looks like it's for a human, probably me. A normal bed and some bedroom Decor, a closet with a bunch of girl clothes in it, and then stuff that looks like torture devices so I just turn away. It all clicks in my head then, he had been planning this for weeks or maybe even months, he's gonna make me stay here until further notice and that's why the bedroom and clothes are there. After thinking I didn't even notice he took the duct tape off of my mouth

"What the hell, you've been planning this for ages haven't you? You're sick, if you haven't then explain the clothes and bed.

"Woah calm down there Elizabeth, you think I'd date you? The only reason you're here is because you're my rivals girlfriend. I mean you're hot and stuff but if I saw you in the street I'd probably not even ask for you're number or anything. And no I got the stuff when we planned to kidnap you as I can't keep you at the whyte worm all the time so you're gonna stay here wether you like it or not."

"Was that supposed to hurt my feelings? You not wanting to date me? Cause quite frankly I don't wanna date you and the thought of me ever touching you makes me want to puke so thanks a lot for putting that thought into my head."

"You're welcome"

He then takes me to the metal table and quickly straps me on there before I could kick him. Well great I'm about to die.

"You're gonna Kill me, aren't you?"

"No,No,No,No,No Elizabeth, I'm not gonna kill you."


He does it again.


He does it once again in my arm, puts the taser down and says "You really think I believe that"

He then unstraps me from the table and then rubs his hands over the marks from the taser, I don't know why tho seems as he's the one who put them there.

"I'd like it if you wouldn't touch me like that" I say as I push him.
"Because Jug-head you're not my boyfriend, only Malachai can do that"

"Is he really tho? Cause I've seen the way he treats you sometimes and no man should treat his girl like that"

"says the one who just tasered me till I begged you to stop, and anyway I don't care if he treats me like that sometimes. He still loves me and I still love him that's the only thing that matters no matter how many times he hurts me"

" Telling someone you Love them doesn't change the fact you the way you behave towards them, and I'm only doing this because of him"

"Someone's girlfriend can't be responsible for her boyfriends actions"

"Just go to sleep, there's pyjamas in the closet. If want hot chocolate there's a kettle and stuff over there."

"Wait where are you going?"

"I've gotta get back to the serpents, if you're bored there's a TV by you're bed and some magazines in the magazine holder, bye."

"Uh, okay bye."

How the hell am I going to get myself out of this mess?

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