Chapter 11

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The next day, Alec and Magnus had to separate fairly quickly. Magnus had a show to play in Chicago and Alec had to prepare for the workweek. "Alec, I want you to come to my next show in LA. You can stand backstage and watch if you're interested", Magnus said as they stood by Alec's car that would take him home. Magnus hung his head shyly, as though he wasn't sure of the answer. "Of course I'll come Magnus! I would love to", Alec said, locking eyes with his new date. Magnus smiled sheepishly, looking like a young boy who had a crush for the first time. Alec liked this side of the international rock star. The side that was just...Magnus. "Thanks again for coming Alexander. I'm sorry for how the night ended but...I'm really, really glad that you were there", Magnus said sincerely, a flicker of moisture building in the rim of his eyes. Alec felt a yearning to hug the man in this moment, wanting to comfort him and tell him that everything would be alright, however he didn't, keeping his hands deep in his jacket pockets to respect Magnus' space. "Of course", replied Alec, trying to comfort the man with his eyes alone. Magnus then took a quick look around to make sure no one was observing them as he took a step forward and whispered, "I know it will only be a few days, but I just know I'm really going to miss you", Magnus said quickly, reaching up with his hand to quickly, yet softly, graze Alec's cheek with the back of his hand. As quickly as the man stepped forward, he was now walking away, entering his own car that would take him to the airport; that would take him on his next adventure. Alec's heartbeat was in his ears as he sat in his car ride home. He realized in this moment that he was one hundred billion percent infatuated with Magnus Bane. When he finally was able to calm down from the aftereffects of their rare physical contact, Alec worked himself right back up again, knowing he was about to do something extremely insane, but also extremely necessary.

He needed to tell Izzy about Magnus. He wanted to bring her along to Magnus' concert, and it would be impossible to hide their connection around her. Besides, it would be nice to have someone to talk to about all of this. Several hours later, Alec was ringing Izzy's doorbell, wiping the sweat off of his trembling hands. The siblings greeted each other as usual and Alec followed her to her bedroom where she was folding laundry. "So what's up Alec? You sounded kind of tense on the phone", Izzy started as she perfectly folded her T-Shirts. "Well", Alec began, taking a seat on the other side of the bed. "I sort of have something to tell you...", Alec began, fiddling with his fingers and not really sure how to start. "What is it?", Izzy asked, preparing for the worst. "Well...don't get mad, but I've sort of been lying to you", Alec confessed, looking straight at Izzy's annoyed face. "About what?", she prompted. "Well...", Alec said, finally making a decision to just come out and say it. "The night of the Magnus Bane concert, Magnus actually slipped me his phone number. I didn't use it because I thought it was all too weird, but then he just showed up at my house and asked me out! Magnus is bisexual by the way, which was news to me. Anyway last night he took me on his private jet to Miami and we went to this club and he asked me out so I said yes. And now he wants me to come to his concert in LA in a few days and I was wondering if you would like to come along", Alec finally finished, looking over at Izzy for the first time since he began his confession. Izzy had dropped the shirt in her hand, leaving it a crumpled mess on the bed. Her arms were frozen in front of her and her mouth hung open almost as wide as her eyes. She began to breathe heavily, almost to the point of hyperventilation. "Izzy, are you"— but Alec wasn't able to finish his sentence as he was interrupted by Izzy's high-pitched squeal

"Oh my god Izzy!", Alec yelled, running over and around the bed to cover her mouth. "Shush! Your neighbors are going to think you're getting murdered or something!", Alec said in panic wanting Izzy to calm down desperately. For the next 20 minutes or so, it was a real struggle for Alec to calm his sister down. She went through the entire spectrum of emotions, first in utter shock, then anger at Alec for keeping this secret, then confusion as to why Magnus wasn't interested in her, then straight up jealousy, then ending up at complete and utter happiness and excitement that this was actually happening. "Holy shit Alec. You've got game and you didn't even know it!", she yelled laughing and teasing her brother. "Oh shut up", Alec replied, rolling his eyes and blushing. "Wait!", Izzy screamed. "Have you seen him naked yet?!", Izzy asked. Alec's eyes widened and his blush deepened. "No Izzy! He wants to take it slow! And so do I for that matter!". "Ok, ok I was just wondering! Oh my god Alec you have to help me pick out what I'm going to wear to the concert!", Izzy screamed, standing up to run to her closet. Alec shook his head and laughed. This was going to be a very interesting evening. TBC...

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