Chapter 12

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"Come on Alec! Hurry up! I don't want to miss a single second!", Izzy yelled as she ran in front of Alec, dragging him through the halls of the backstage area of the Staples Center in LA. Alec hadn't seen Magnus in a few days, and he would be lying if he said that he wasn't excited to get a glimpse of him performing from the wings. Finally Izzy and Alec arrived on the edge of the stage, just out of the way of the audience's view. Izzy's sparkly dress, which she had ordered specifically for this event, refracted the light, creating rainbows of dancing color. Alec's stomach fluttered as the lights began to dim and the cheers intensified. Suddenly the music began, and Magnus entered from the other side of the stage, opening with the same song he played at the concert Alec, Izzy, and Jace had attended. Alec was trying his best to focus on the music and the fun, but all he could really think about was how astonishingly breathtaking Magus was under the bright light. He had his shirt slightly open, showing the top of his chest reflecting the stage lights that created a glow that was indescribable. Magnus also had this unique intensity in his eyes when he was performing; an intensity that was easy to get lost in. He emanated this energy and charisma on stage that was intoxicating. Alec and Izzy danced to the beat, screaming and cheering with the other thousands of people in the stands. As Magnus' set went on, it was almost time to end the show. "Los Angeles you have been amazing tonight!", Magnus began, sitting down on the piano bench. "I was hoping it would be alright with you if I played a new song!". This proposal was met with defining cheers from the crowd, all eager to hear something new. "This song is so new, in fact, that I just wrote it last night", Magnus continued, still looking out into the crowd.

"I was inspired by a new person who has recently come into my life, and this song is for that special person", Magnus finished, looking into the wing where Alec stood for the first time all night to make eye contact. Alec's heart skipped a beat as he realized what was happening. He was about to be serenaded by Magnus Bane.

"Timid eyes, they look up surprised at me

There's nothing too special about this night but the flaws in your serenity

Trying to keep that cool, collected look while turning the page of my favorite book

But the words hold no meaning, 'cause all I keep seeing is you

So come close and sing the notes that make me heart do flips

To my surprise those private eyes open up and let me in

The clock in my mind keeps ticking in time to the steps I take around you

I tiptoe away 'cause I've got nothing to say, just a million things I wanna do

So take me away and promise we'll stay just like this

'Cause I've got the time and these words, they rhyme

it will be just like this, oh just like this...

Craters made just like the moon because they tell me very soon this love wont be real

Well you can tell me when to go and stop, but did you know that you cannot tell me how to feel..."

Magnus' eyes never left Alec's for the entirety of the song. Alec was speechless. He had never heard something so beautiful in his entire life. Eventually Magnus looked away, saying goodnight to his adoring fans as the concert came to an end. Izzy slowly turned around, meeting eyes with Alec.

"Damn Alec. That man is all about you", Izzy said, almost like she couldn't believe it. Alec just stared back at her thinking she must be right. But not only that; he was definitely all about Magnus too. As the concert ended, Steven led Alec and Izzy out of the Staples Center and into an inconspicuous black car. "Alec", he began as they climbed into the car. "Magnus will meet you and Izzy at the after party", he said as he closed the car door and signaled for the driver to get going. The entire way to the party, Izzy raved about the concert. Alec was glad she was here. He wasn't sure he would have been brave enough to do this alone. Eventually Alec and Izzy reached a very fancy hotel. As they exited the car, they were led to the very top floor and out onto the roof. The bouncer at the door asked for their names. "Alec Lightwood and Izzy Lightwood!", Alec yelled over the music. As Alec said their names, the bouncer's eyes widened like he knew who Alec was. "Alec", he began. "Magnus Bane has requested your presence. He is on the balcony on the other side of the roof". "Thank you!", Alec replied, not used to people looking at him like that. As the siblings entered the party, Izzy spoke up. "Alec, I'm going to the bar!", she yelled. "Go have fun with Magnus! I'll catch up with you in a minute!", she slithered away with a devious smile. Before he could protest, she had disappeared in the crowd. Alec was somewhat nervous, but mostly excited to see Magnus again. As he made his way through the crowd, he eventually laid eyes on a back he would recognize anywhere. Alec took a deep breath as he approached the man, and eventually spoke. "Hey there", he managed to say, causing the rock star to whip around, flashing a dazzling smile. "Hi!", Magnus replied, excited to see the beautiful man he was dating. "I really missed you", he said in a quieter tone, not wanting others to overhear. "So did I", Alec said, replying, with a smile just as big. "I have to be at this party for at least an hour, but we can leave after that, sound good?", Magnus said, darting his eyes around the party. "Yeah", Alec said, unable to keep his eyes off of Magnus' face. "Sounds good". TBC...

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