Coffee, Cake and Messages

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It read;
Hi, it's Charlie, just wanted to ask you if you are okay?
I smiled at my phone and replied:
Yea I'm good, thank you for an amazing night.
No problem. Would love to take you out sometime though maybe?
Sure, tell me a date and time and I'll be there.
Tonight 7 at Tuscianos in town? 💚
Sure, can't wait!!💖

I rolled out of bed and started to get myself ready. I strolled into my walk in wardrobe and put on a t-shirt, with love is love on the front in rainbow colours to celebrate pride, along with some blue jeans. I planned to get ready for tonight later. I sat on my sofa, scrolling through Instagram switching back and forth to snapchat and Facebook and back to Instagram with Netflix playing obliviously in the background. I got up to make myself a drink of juice and decided I should go out.
I needed some fresh air to clear my head. I chose to go to the local park down the bottom of my street. I refreshed twitter and it popped up a recent tweet from Shawn Mendes.
So beautiful visiting Newcastle, UK today getting ready for my tour in two weeks.

I couldn't believe it. Shawn Mendes was in Newcastle. If I keep walking I may actually bump into him. I carry on walking until I lose hope I decide to go and sit in the cafe that's five minutes away down the street. I order a hot chocolate and a slice of chocolate cake. Yeah I know not good for the diet, but then again what diet? We are all going to die anyways. I payed for my cake and beverage and turned around to go and sit down. However, there were no seats left except this young man sitting on a table on his own he had chocolate brown, curly hair. I'm sure he would love the company and I couldn't be left standing anyways. I venture over to the table, he has his head down looking at his phone. I stutter as I try to talk to him.
"Hi, erm, is anyone erm sitting here?"
He looks up at me and looks back down at his phone but then looks straight back up.
"Oh, sorry, sure take a seat."
Shut the fuck up. It's Shawn Mendes. No way. He puts his phone in his back pocket and reaches for his chocolate chip muffin in front of him. He takes a bite and picks up a cup of coffee and takes a sip before talking to me.
"So, are you from round here?"
"Yeah, born and raised." I replied taking a bite of my muffin.
"Oh cool, you do know who I am don't you?" He whispered, so no one could hear him, while making eye contact.
"Yeah, I do, I'm kind of going to your show in a few weeks." I leant in so he could hear me while taking another bite of my cake.
He smiled. He took a sip of his coffee and admired his view. He turned his head out of the window watching the sun shine through the trees.
"We should get to know each other." Shawn spoke out while turning his head to face me.
"We should." I gave a small smile as I checked the time.
"Shit. I'm sorry can I get your number maybe? I'm late for something." I said in a hurry.
"Oh, erm. Yeah. Sure." Shawn reached out for his phone again and gave me it. I typed my number in and saved it as Girl who loves cake I messaged my phone and sent a 💚. Soon after I left giving him a small wave as I opened the door.
I watched him through the window as I saw him put his head down and smile at his phone.

I returned home and it was currently 6:27 and I hadn't had long to get changed I threw on a sexy, but not too revealing red dress. I applied a light amount of makeup but not too much. I put my red high heels on my feet and fixed the straps. It was 6:46 and it was time to leave. I got into my car and drove to the restaurant. Charlie was already sitting at the table patiently waiting. I walked in and the waiter took me over to the table. Charlie stood up to kiss my cheek and pull my chair out for me. I whispered.
"You're such a gentlemen." A smile grew on his face.
The waiter interrupted our conversation by asking us what we wanted.
"Can I please have a glass of Pepsi please and a margarita pizza with ham and pineapple please?" I politely asked.
Charlie studied my face in disgust after he heard the word pineapple and pizza in the same sentence.
"I'll have the margarita pizza please also with a glass of Pepsi thank you." He asks while putting his finger on the menu.
We hand the waiter our menus and he goes out back into the kitchen.
"You look beautiful tonight." Charlie states with a smirk.
"Thank you. You also look amazing." I said, my eyes looking up and down in awe.
The food arrived and me and Charlie had a casual conversation. Once we had finished our meal we walked outside and I said goodbye to Charlie.
"Thank you for tonight. It was really special." I leaned in for a hug but he held me close and our lips crashed together. I felt the butterflies in my stomach exploding. It was a sensation. I didn't want it to end but I guess we did need to breathe. He pulled away from me and smiled.
"I guess I'll see you in a few days then?" While holding his hands it started to rain. I lean in to kiss his lips again and pull away.
"I'll meet you on Thursday I'll come to yours? I'll pick you up at 12 and we can go for dinner?" Charlie asks while looking into my eyes.
"Sure, but right now I've got to get back home." I let go of his hands and opened the car door and drove off while beeping my horn at him.
I got home and realised I got a message from Shawn.
Hey, how are you?
I hesitated.
I'm good hbu?
Great. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up tomorrow?
Yeah sure. At the cafe where we first met?
Yeah that'd be great. Is 2pm okay?
Yeah I'll get ready now. Can't wait!!
And with that I threw my phone onto my bed and got ready. It was currently 12 so I had time to get ready. I wore a black t-shirt dress, a belt to make it tight, my sexy shades (you'll only get it if you've watched Charlie's old YouTube channel🤣), and finally my black flats.
I picked up my bag and filled it with my purse, phone and lip balm so I wouldn't forget them. I then went on to straightening my hair burning my neck while doing so.
I was finally ready to leave. I walked out the door and decided to walk to the cafe again saying as it was only 20 minutes ago so I had plenty of time.
I got to the cafe and saw Shawn wave over to the table he was at. He was looking as good as ever. Wait stop. Me and Charlie had a thing last night. But me and Charlie aren't together neither are me and Shawn. I took a deep breath and walked over to the table where I got greeted with a hot chocolate, a muffin oh and a kiss on the cheek by Shawn. My cheeks burnt up like a fire. We greeted each other with a smile.
"Hi, you look beautiful." He says scratching the back of his neck. I looked at what he was wearing. He had a white shirt on, black jeans and a pair of vans.
"Thank you, you too." I say while I wrap my arms around to hug him. He smelt of a strong cologne. It smelt so good. I took a deep breath but choked as I breathed too hard. Shawn laughed.
"Are you intrigued by my scent?"
I finally finished dying and laughed.
"It's not my fault you put too much on."
We sat down and drank our hot beverages and enjoyed our muffins. I thanked Shawn for buying me them.
"I'll pay next time."
"Oh so there's going to be a next time." Shawn smirked.
"Yeah, there will be when I pay."
"Well you won't pay."
And that was the start of an argument ready to unfold.

Connection at the meet n greet?//Charlie Puth and Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now