Meeting Charlie Puth

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It was Charlie. I couldn't believe it. THEE Charlie Puth was standing right in front of me. It wasn't long until I realised I was staring at him. He looked down at me and smirked. "So, you here for my show tonight?" He looked me up and down smirking at my figure. I blushed. Hard.
"Um, yeah I am. Me and my sister absolutely love you." I cringed straight after saying that but luckily I played it off with a small smile. He gave me one back and turned around halfway.
"Charlie, you're up next, be fast." I heard his supervisor shout from across the arena. Charlie turned back to me and apologised.
"Sorry, erm what's your name?" I remembered I hadn't told him my name yet. "Oh, it's Hailee." I say while stroking my arm nervously.
"Well I've got to go now Hailee." He says while nodding his head.
"Yeah. Sure. Okay." I blurted, awkwardly.
He smiled and walked away. He turned around and shouted "see you at meet and greet!" I smiled and looked at Isla. She looked at me star struck.
"You just...just..spoke to um Charlie Puth. He definitely has a erm crush on you." She stammered.
"No,he doesn't. I'm another one of his fans that's it."
Isla shook her head. "It didn't look like that to me." I put my phone in my bag and ignored her. It wasn't long until the show started and the place started getting crowded full of people. Charlie came on the stage and welcomed his fans. He gave me a sly wink, I felt my cheeks setting on fire. I could Isla smiling at me I gave her "the look". Charlie started singing one call away and wouldn't stop looking at me. I glanced at him to stop. Although he was the love of my life I felt really awkward.
Soon the concert was over as he give me a few more winks and waves but then finally walked off stage. I was hoping that no one caught on to what he was doing.
Soon the concert was finished and it was now time for the meet and greet. Me and Isla were first in line and got a glimpse of Charlie. He caught us and signalled us over. We both got a photo together and then it was me Isla and Charlie,  then just him and Isla and finally just me and Charlie. He whispered in my ear. "Wait behind, I want to show you something."
"Okay sure" I replied confused but a smile reached out when the flash went off.
I told Isla that he told me to wait back. She didn't believe me at first but when Charlie's supervisor came over she took us to his tour bus.
"Is it okay if you two girls sit here?" The oldish man with shady grey hair and a slim figure asked.
"Yeah that's great thank you but how long will he be?" I got my phone out to check the time.
"Should be about 10 minutes 15 if he slow walks." He laughed.
"Hahaha." I nervously laughed.
Isla didn't say anything she just smiled innocently. She messaged mam to tell her that everything was okay and we were backstage now. It wasn't a minute later and she replied 'okay, have fun see you tomorrow.' Tomorrow, because tonight we were staying in a hotel for the night as it would be too late to travel back home.
I heard footsteps coming along the corridor and it wasn't long until the butterflies were going around in my stomach. Charlie approached me and declared "Hi, you look amazing." I looked at what I was wearing I was so embarrassed. But to play it off I muttered "thank you." He opened his tour bus door and curtsied to let me in first but I let Isla in before me so she wouldn't go in a mood. I looked around the tour bus in awe. It was spectacular. Like something in the movies but not in the movies.
"Excuse me please." He held onto my waist as he got past. I jumped in shock. "I'm completely sorry, here let me make it up to you. Do you like tea?" He offered.
"Erm, yeah I do." I replied.
"What about you Isla?"
"Oh, Yeah please." Her face lifted.
Charlie was making the tea and soon came back with three porcelain cups filled with hot liquid. While we were drinking then he asked us a few questions about us and we got a few selfies with him.
"What's your phone number?"Charlie wondered out of the blue. Isla sprung up and told him hers.
"Oh, I meant your sisters. Sorry."
She immediately sat back down in shame.
"I'm sorry, I can follow you on all socials if you like?"
Her face lit up. "Seriously? You'll do that?"
"Yeah if I can get your sisters phone number" he smirked.
"Okay sure." Clearly knowing what he was doing. I gave him my phone number as he followed Isla on all social media platforms. Isla was ecstatic. Charlie looked at me and gave me a genuine smile.
It was time to go but we both hugged Charlie and said thank you for the experience. He whispered in my ear when I hugged him "I know one day we'll be on a date, just wait for the right time and I'll call you." He released me from his arms when I mumbled "okay. Sure."
He called for an Uber to come and pick me and Isla up to the hotel.

Once we got to the hotel. We got our room key. We found our room and as I was changing into some pj pants, Isla fell back onto the bed and claimed that it was the best night ever. I however kept my thoughts inside and hoped Charlie would ask me on a date. Yeah there may have been a 9 year age gap but age is just a number for some.
It wasn't long until my phone vibrated. I turned it on and smiled, it read;

Connection at the meet n greet?//Charlie Puth and Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now