•Sweet Love •

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You woke up to the sound of birds chirping loudly, you threw your pillow at the window and a couple birds flew away. "MY GOD SHUT UP!" You said covering your face with your hands. You saw a text from Joji that read "me and you, in your living room, at 12:00." You showered and brushed your teeth, got dressed in shorts and a green tee and watched TV until it was 11:30. You started to clean up a bit, the. You heard a knock at your door. You opened it and you saw Joji holding a bag of doughnuts with one and hand and the other was holding a bag of Chipotle. He walked in and flopped on your couch. "Smells good in here, what did you do, light a candle?" You pointed to the vanilla scented candle from Bath and Bodyworks, "Come here beautiful" he told you and sat you down in his lap. Two minutes later, you and him started eating. "Hey, what movie you wanna watch?" He asked. His had a smidge of hot sauce near his mouth. "You have Tabasco right underneath your lip!" You told him, he tried to wipe it off, but he kept missing.  So you wiped it off with your finger and licked it. He giggled and kissed you on the nose. "Let's watch, American Pie!" Joji exclaimed. "No way in hell do I wanna see a guy fucking a pie. Let's watch not another high school movie!" You argued back. You and Joji decided to watch The Ted Bundy files instead. During one of the episodes, you started to get scared  and dug your face into Joji'side, and startedY'all to squeeze his hand. "C'mon scaredy cat, is it really that scary?" He asked. "When you imagine the victim being you" he responded.  He lifted up your face, and your him was in the palm of his hand. "I'll make sure it won't happen to you." Joji said. You kissed him, never wanting to break the kiss, Joji picked up the remote and turned off the TV, without breaking the kiss. You kept kissing him passionately and so was he.  It was a minute until the kiss was over. He looked you in the eyes and said "I love you so much. You know that?" You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, and watched more TV

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