A little sleepover

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You blushed at the hearts he sent you and you giggled

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You blushed at the hearts he sent you and you giggled. You hopped into the shower and shaved EVERYWHERE, brushed you teeth again and put your hair into a slick ponytail. You grabbed the best outfit you could find in your closet and put on make up. You looked at the clock, it was 1:35 pm. You grabbed your purse with your phone, keys, and wallet. And hopped onto the train that would take you to Central Park. You got to the park at 2:49 and waited for Joji at a halal truck and got Chicken over rice for both of you. 5 minutes later you spotted Joii. "Hey! What's up?" You asked him.  "Nothing really, how about you?" "Great" you replied. You and Joji walked around the park talking about past experiences and laughing about embarrassing things you did when you were younger. Everything was going well until you felt something hard hit the inside at your knee at 40 miles per hour "Ah SHIT! FUCK!" You yelped. You collapsed at the impact of the ball hitting your knee. Joji caught you before you hit the ground. "Are you okay? Anything broken?" He asked, it was so cute to see that he cared. " yeah I'm okay, it just hurts so FUCKING much." You replied. He walked you to his car and drove  to CVS to grab some athletic tape and an ice pack. Joji drove you back to your apartment, and you let him to your apartment. He sat you onto your couch and iced your bruise. "Hey, thanks for everything Joji" you told him "No problem, I'll do anything for my princess" he responded. You giggled, he wrapped the tape around your knee and then you and him watched Netflix, you watched the movie "Lovely Bones" (that movie is so good you need to watch it) You cuddled against Joji and he held your hand. All of a sudden a loud clap of thunder could be heard, and there was lighting that looked like it was two blocks away. You jumped at the sound and Joji laughed. It rained horribly. It was raining dogs and cats. "um Joji, ya know if you don't wanna drive in this terrifying rain you could stay the night, I have an air mattress and a extra towel." You told Joji. "I'd like that" he responded. You guys stayed up until 10:00pm. The thunder was even louder and the lightning looked even closer. You decided to change out of your yellow skirt and white blouse, to a blue tee, and a pair of black sweatpants. You had a pair of oversized grey sweatpants that looked like it could fit Joji for some reason. " Joji, I have a pair of sweatpants for you to sleep in instead of those Jeans, you want it? It might fit you?" You asked. He grabbed the sweatpants and went into the bathroom and changed. He came out, the sweatpants fit him well. Joji and you sat back onto the couch and watched F is for Family, and then Family guy. You started to feel sleepy. You got up and said "I'm gonna go hit the hay, you coming?" Joji followed and pumped up the Air Mattress. But there was a problem. The mattress was too short for his body. "I'll just sleep on the couch." Joji suggested "No, you can sleep with me. In the same bed. I'll grab another pillow." You grabbed an extra pillow from your closet and fluffed it. You turned off the lights, but you couldn't fall asleep Joji did. You didn't notice his arms wrapped around your waist. But when you did notice it you felt warm, and happy inside. Joji looked so peaceful, and cute "You look so cute, I could just kiss you." You whispered. His eyes opened and he had a smirk on his face "so go ahead." He replied. You were shocked, and surprised. But you kissed him anyway, and when you did, it was amazing. His tounge massaged yours and his lips were soft. When you pulled away from his lips, you could feel your face get hot. "You're a good kisser" he told you. You smiled, and fell asleep with his arms around your waist and you in love with him.

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