Chapter 27 - You're what?!

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I was sitting in a chair across the bar as Ororo put some brownies in the oven.

"Careful not to-"


"touch the sides"

I said as I walked towards her.

"Are the brownies okay?"

"Are you kidding me? I just burned myself and you ask if the brownies are okay?"

"Just put your hand under cold water."

Ororo nodded and walked towards the sink. I looked into the oven and noticed that the brownies hadn't fallen down. I let out a sigh of relief as I closed the door and put on the timer.

"You and your brownies"

"You proposed the idea"

"It was to keep you distracted from Peter"

"Why would you that?"

"Yeah Ororo. Why would you do that?"

I turned around and saw Peter standing in the doorway, Diana using both of her hands to hold one of Peter's hands.

"Mommy! Daddy is awake!" 

She said as she ran towards me.

"I noticed"

I suddenly forgot about Ororo and ran towards Peter. I threw my arms around his neck as I buried my head in his chest.

"How could you?"

I mumbled as Peter wrapped his arms around my waist

"How could I what?"

"Leave me and Diana at your mother's house while you fight for you life."

I looked up at him

"You could've been killed! Do you know how scared I was when Hank came to pick me up instead of you? Do you know how terrible it was to see the look on Hank's face as soon as I asked where you were? Do you know how much pain I was in as I saw you unconscious? Do you-"

"Twinkie, calm down. I'm here now, aren't I?"

"But if you died, Peter?"

"I would rather die than lose you"

He said sincerely.

"Don't say that. You could've at least give me a warning or something. Or tell me that I shouldn't be worried about you"

"I didn't have the time"

I wanted to argue back, but I couldn't anymore. I was too happy to see him


I said as I hid my face in his chest again. He ran his fingers through my hair as he held me close

"I'm sorry, Twinkie. I really am"

There was a comfortable silence, until I heard a cough from the kitchen.

"So you two gonna make out or what?"

Ororo asked as she sipped her cola through a straw. Diana was standing next to her, drinking a Capri-sun, still with Peter's goggles and shirt on.

Peter snickered as I rolled my eyes

"What? You were worried sick and now you're mad at Peter? The usual you would run up to him and start kissing him immediately. Are you sick?"

Ororo walked towards us and placed her free hand on my forehead.

"You're not burning up or something. Y/N, how many fingers am I holding up?"

And so we meet again (Quicksilver X reader)Where stories live. Discover now