Chapter 2

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Elliott Moon's POV.
20 years later

I cannot take it anymore. The pain is unbearable, I haven't eaten in days and I'm really,really cold. The pain is killing me. Eating me up inside-pice by pice,bit by bit until I go crazy.

You may ask, how did I get in this situation? It all started like this:
"Daddy, mama! Where are you going? Are you leaving me here? What did I do? Did I do something wrong?" I started to panic
"Mama? Daddy?" I sob
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING! DON'T LEAVE ME! Don't leave me..." then I passed out from jet another panic attack. I stress all the time so my nerves are really weak. Soon I wake up in a cell. Everything was coated in silver so just being there left me with blisters on my feet and I think that it was their plan so I wouldn't escape. How would I run if my feet felt like they would explode? I really cannot believe my parents, if I can still call them that. How could they do that?

Then I'm pulled out of my thoughts as a man in his early forties enters the cell. What interested me is that he didn't burn when he touched the silver, he was perfectly fine.

"So, you're the little miss-perfect who's next to the throne. What an piece of artwork you are." He said with a disgusted look on his face.
"What throne?" I asked, confused.
"You don't know? This will be quite the show telling you about your messed up family."
"My family isn't messed up!" I angrily say.
"That's where you are wrong. Every time you are wrong I will whip you three times."
So he asked me questions to what I couldn't answer and every time I would get whipped. The whip was coated in silver so it really ,really hurt me.

He does this every day at twelve in the morning. He does it for as long as he wishes or he gets bored. Sometimes someone comes with him to just watch how he tortures me. I hate it. I wish everything was back to normal.

This was nine years ago and it still goes on. I still hate it and I still hope that everything would go back to normal. It doesn't. It gets worse every day but today I'm going to finally escape.

I find the key that I made out of metal wires and put it in the door. I hear a soft clicking noise and know it's now unlocked. The door is coated in silver but I've grown immune to it. I look if no one is in the dungeon hallway. I don't see anyone so I run for my life.

I see some guards by the doors but I hit them on the head and run past their unconscious bodies. I get outside and the warm sunlight hits my face. It's summer so everything is bright and green. I'm finally pulled out of my thoughts as I hear voices and footsteps behind me.

I shift and run for my life. I run for three hours and when I can't hear anything other than the birds I find a cave and lay down. In no time I drift off to sleep.
                        Some time later
"Rogue, shift. now!" A really annoying voice says.
I disobey and that gets him even more angrier. I can feel that he is a beta.
"I said shift." He is trying to use his beta command on me but those don't work with me.
Now I shift back and stand there naked and arms crossed.
"Happy, beta?" I say, mockingly."
You are in no position to call me in such manner!" He is really angry now.
"Oh I'm sorry, the all mighty beta." I bow and hide a smirk.
"Disrespectful brat." He says under his breath and drags me somewhere.
"Jeez, I'm capable of walking myself, thank you very much." I take his hand off of me and just follow him
"I don't plan on escaping so your men can chill and not breathe down my neck."
"No, they don't listen to brats."
"Then why are they listening to you?" I gruff.
He glares at me and we stop at a house that looks like the pack house.
"Cool house." I say
" you will be living here," i get excited "but in the basement dungeons." My smile is replaced by a scowl.

We get inside the house and the people look at me weirdly and some start to whisper. I roll my eyes. How noisy can they be? Haven't they seen a rogue? Then I realise that I am naked. Oops!

Then I sense the best smell. It smells like a day after rain. So fresh and beautiful. But I smell some sweet perfume mixed in his scent. That could be a woman. Wait, a woman? Is my mate cheating on me?
"Mate would never cheat on us! We are too bootiful to be cheated on! And if he does that, I'm going to chop his balls off." My psycho wolf  Lilac said.
"Lilac, you can pull your knife out now" I linked her.
"That sonofabich cheats on mah baby Eliott! I can't take it!" And she starts sobbing .
"Lilac, are you on your period?" I can already imagine the eye roll from her.
"Eliott, I don't get a period but you do!" She mocked me.
And I block her. She is such a drama queen.
My mate comes to me and scrunches his nose.
"I hoped my mate would be hotter and without bruises. Disgusting!" He spat
"Well I hoped that my mate would be more of a gentleman and less of a jerk. Also, don't mess with me 'cause my wolf threatened you and she isn't kidding." I say, clearly annoyed with his attitude. I don't know what crazy type of wolf I am but I can switch off the feelings that I fell for my mate. I heard one of the workers in the cell say that. I'm very glad that I'm so weird.
"So what's your name, rogue?"
"Elliott Moon." I coldly say.
"I'm Xander Cluels." He answers.
"Hey, want to join me and my girlfriend?" He asks, seductively.
"I'd rather stab myself with a silver knife than see my mate with someone else."
"We'll see about that." He pins me to the wall and starts kissing me. I try pushing him off but that was no use.

Then I see a butter knife and struggle a little to pick it up but when I do, it doesn't burn me but it will burn him. I put it on his neck and he instantly stops.
"Y-you bitch. What did you do to me..." He says in shock.
"What is happening here?"
Hi to everybody!
As you can see, the rogue female lead is not weak like all of the books. She's sarcastic, a tad bit rude and she can fight for herself. She isn't completely rogue but she doesn't have a pack. I understand that other rogue female leads are scared of others because they have been broken and now they are just shells of girls but Elliott is now learned to fight and be strong.
I just wanted something different for a book like this.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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