Eraserhead: Seems like Ichiro's move was imperfected.

Captain Hitsugaya: It is. He still needs to work on that move still.

The next obstacle was the pit which Izuku easily went over just by teleporting and Moved on to the mine field which he stays around for some reason.

Captain Hitsugaya: Why is he just standing there? He does know that he should move on.

Eraserhead: He might have a plan up his sleeve.

As the other combatants finally reach to the minefield. They're confused to why Izuku is just standing there but shrugs it off as they made halfway to the field.

Izuku smirk at this and decided to put his plan into action.

"tch. Got 'em. Chaos Control."

Izuku froze time. With only ten seconds to act, he ran through the whole field while digging up every bomb and placed one at the contestants that managed to reach to the field. with only 5 seconds left, he placed tiny energy attacks in the bombs so they'll detonate immediately. He finally teleported in front of everyone as time began moving again. 

Izuku snapped his fingers, resuming time and everyone was met with a pink explosion to the face. No one knows what just happened.

The audience stayed silent, even the pros don't know what happened. Most of them are dumbfounded to what just happened.

Eraserhead: What the? What in the world happened?

Toshiro smirked since he knows who did this but he doesn't how he did it so he played.

Captain Hitsugaya: can't say.

Everyone was slowly getting back up. Still shocked to what just happened but a certain ash-blonde teen knew what happened.

'That must've been Izuku!!! But how?!' as Bakugou began to catch up to Izuku, he continues to wonder how he manages to do that. 

Izuku managed to get first place with bakugou following second, Ichiro 3rd, and Todoroki 4th.

After the first even was over,  Bakugou remembered what Izuku said before the entrance exams started.


Bakugou: So izuku. What were you able to do for the past time.

Izuku: I was increasing my reflexes and my length of time on a new move I was able to do now. WIth the emerald, I can do it for a full minute. Now I can use this move for 10 seconds without it. And also i was able create a new move that I created entirely by myself, no emerald is required move.

*FlashBack Ends*

Bakugou's head: New move, able to use for ten seconds. That can only mean one thing. He can stop time. Heh, now I see how he was able to do all of those things. 

Midnight prepares to announce the next event they'll be doing which was a headband free for all and they only have 15 minutes to go find a partner. 

Midnight: also, first place is worth 10,000,000 points!!!!

Everyone glared at Izuku who remained unfazed by this.

Izuku is just walking around not really caring who he gets partnered with until Uraraka showed up and decided to team up with him to which he agreed. Another literally popped out of nowhere and was blabbering on how her equipment. Izuku just went up to Tokoyami to join him to which he also agreed.

Midnight: times Up!!! Now the next course shall begin!!!

Mostly everyone went after Izuku since he's worth so much only to be greeted by him face front and got a solid blow in the gut by his punches. Izuku teleported back to his group and Izuku told them that they should just walk around and but they should keep their guard up since anything could happen.

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