" See this is why I never wanted to tell you in the first place." he whined a tinge of embarrassment covering his cheeks. I laugh even more.

" That explains your appearance." I finally managed to speak.

" With the new look, you are as good as drop dead gorgeous." I add sarcastically.

" How bad do you want the weekend anyway," I continue " I hope you finished your assignments or so help me God. I just spent my precious time explaining that stuff to you when I could have been home watching my favorite show." I threaten.

" Chill, I finished the assignments now can we go please. I already had my mom talk to me before I came here only to get another lecture of how badly I need the weekend from you too." he complained.

The rest of the drive to school was silent as we listened to one direction songs with a 5SOS song popping here and there. By the time we arrived in school we were five minutes early. I breathed a sigh of relief and parked my car alongside more expensive looking cars.

We we're greeted by the usual buzzing of students in the parking lot gossiping about anything and everything.
" Do they ever run out of gossip?" I scrunched up my nose in disgust just at the thought of talking about someone else. Why not minding your own business and stay out of trouble.

" Hey look over there." Ray pointed his finger towards a crowd that was forming on the other side of the parking lot. They were looking at something or rather someone on the school driveway.

We turned to the direction of whatever they were looking at and saw a monster Black Ride riding it's way to the parking lot with two people on it.

" Are they trying to write a death wish riding that thing ?" I voiced Ray's thought as I pointed to the monster motorbike that was halting and the engine dying down.

" I could have sworn you read my thoughts" Ray said chuckling to himself.

" Look who it is ." Ray continued."It's your one and only Katherine Blasi and and I don't think I know the other girl."

" You mean the one riding was a girl?" I gasped at the revelation.

The crowd had already become bigger and it was hard to peek through.

" She is one hell of a racer ," Ray said " I have always loved racing but ooh boy do I have the courage?" he said laughing and I joined in.

" Isn't that Kate. But who's the friend?"  I thought out loud.

" Didn't you just hear me ask that moments ago?" Ray asks irritated.

Don't get me wrong am all antisocial and stuff but Kate and I actually had a physics project together one time. She practically left the whole thing for me to do. She was on the phone the whole time either texting away or laughing at who knows what.
She was dressed in a pink summer dress and she looked beautiful. As she always does.

The other girl had red hair that shone from afar. Her skin was glowing as well. She was wearing a black long sleeved fitting blouse and black pants matched with white vans. She looked beautiful without trying. Her face was devoid of any makeup whatsoever but she didn't fail to look good. She had several piercings.. everyone could notice that.

" Who am I to notice this tiny details." I asked myself as I was one to not pay attention at people's appearances.

Then crowd seemed to grow  larger and larger at each passing moment and it was just a matter of time before the principal appeared .
Some people were snapping pictures of the duo.

" People say she has many tattoos but am only seeing the butterfly on her neck and I have to admit it's pretty. She's pretty." Ray says out of breath.

" How do you know?" I question.

" Know what? That she is pretty or that she has many tattoos." I probe out of curiosity.

"Both." I answer simply

" First, you must be really blind not to see how pretty she actually is. Second you will find out sooner or later about the tattoos. You already know how this school works ." he said smiling.

Now that Ray mentioned the tattoo I took a closer look at the girl's neck and it was pretty. She was pretty I admitted to myself and blushed at the thought.

"Get a hold of yourself Nate ." I face palm myself. "It's not like she will notice you in this school full of 'cool' people. Besides she is way out of your league.

" What are you thinking, you just changed from excited to irritated all of a sudden. Are you okay?" Ray asked giving me a questioning look.

" Let's go already, haven't you seen enough." I drag Ray away not interested anymore.

I wanted to keep a low profile this final year and that was not adding up to it.
Just as we were about to leave  I  heard a an authoritative voice that carried an aura with it.

It wasn't too harsh but it was enough to pass her point through. It was her voice and I could listen to it all day long I smiled then realized what I had just been thinking.

" Way to go Nate." I inwardly slap my self.

" Fuck off." Those were her words and just like that the crowd patted and created a path for the duo to pass. It seemed like most people were already afraid of her. Good job for quite a newbie I thought.

As she walked she scanned the crowd as if looking for something or someone in particular until her gaze landed on me . She held it as our eyes clashed and I thought I saw a twinkle like a promise to more adventures to come. I continued to hold her gaze, I couldn't look away......even if I wanted to. She had the most alluring grey eyes I had ever seen and she did the most crazy thing I don't think I could forget anytime soon.

She smiled. A very heartwarming and flattering smiled. She smiled at me. And I couldn't contain myself so I smiled back an exchange not missed by her friend Kate and probably a hundred more kids. Good job at trying to keep a low profile I thought to myself.

I had been blushing like crazy since the incident. The girl had already walked away with her group of friends together with the crowd that had formed but I was still rooted to the ground. I couldn't move . I needed a moment to process what just happened.

' She probably was just trying to be friendly,' my logical side tried to reason with me.

My heart had been doing stupid summersaults and I hated it ...well loved ..I don't know.

" What are you thinking Nate get a grip will you, it was just a smile. She's probably been doing that to ten people now." I tried to think but my mind zeroed to nothing.

That's the moment Ray decided to jump in.

" Are you okay? What was that about? Do you two know each other from somewhere? Why didn't you even tell me? " Ray questioned without a pause.

"Dude it was nothing and I don't know her from anywhere. She's probably a bad girl you just said she had many tattoos and you know that's not the kind of people I like to associate with. As much as I don't like stereotyping I don't see myself even talking to her." I admit the truth hurting a bit.

" I mean I'd love to talk to her but we both know that is never going to happen ." the voice in my head reminds me and I am so grateful when Ray changes the topic and I pretend to be paying attention .

The bell goes and we all rush to our classes.

"See you at lunch." Ray shouts over the mass of running students. I nod in response though he couldn't see me.

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This chapter is edited. Enjoy!

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