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" Hey, kid be careful with those, it's not every day we have a pro come in and ask for us spastically " you yawned before rubbing your sleep devastated eyes.

Even though last night was one of the best nights you slept in, in a long time but the alarm clock ruined it and now you were greeted with the task of fixing one of Ground Zero grenades and to add into it the principal wanted to speak with you on lunchtime.

Great just Great.

" don't pros have actual like professionals in their own agencies to fix their Equipment!? " power louder sigh before ruffling your messy bed hair that you didn't bother with taming down that morning " he's kind of old school you know? When he was a student he was one of the few ones that came for updates on his stuff because well the kid was kind of a genius he figured everything out from the start"

" I heard that he had a that is Worse then now" you do remember reading about it somewhere with other random facts the media like to throw at your face.

" well not everyone is perfect and he sure as hell wasn't.... he was prideful but in a way U.A did change him you know " you wanted to argue with your teacher about that statement but it was easier to nod your head and continue working in peace and Quiet.

Students who come regularly for updates or check-ups knew better than to talk to you while working on something.

You were just the type who couldn't focus with so much noise around.

It didn't take long before lunch break arrived and power louder went out to have lunch in the teachers' lounge.

You lifted up your goggles pushing your hair to the back and rubbed your eyes.

I'll take a nap.

A yawn escaped your lips before you let yourself relax on the chair you were sitting in.

A good nap is always good you didn't need food now.

" Bro!! " the door slammed open.

Fuck my life.

Ash speed-walked towards you with a one million worth a smile on his face before shoving something into yours.

" what the heck is this? " you took a good look at what's being pressed to yourself and it turned out to be a hall pass, but why did Ash have it? It was lunchtime.

" bro you might need my glasses at this rate but anyways this is a pass for you to come to our special class today! " blinking a few times at his ridiculously visible dimples that show when he smiles " what's so special about it?"

His smile softened " pros!! we will have pros coming from outside of the city but I still don't know who exactly haha" you sighed rubbing your eyes then throwing your head back against your chair " I'll think about it but first let me nap " closing your eyes you heard him chuckle before exiting out the room.

This was a bad idea.

This was the most uncomfortable situation you were even in.

Stop staring.

You tried to keep calm leaning against one of the buildings, crossed armed and closed eyes.

You stood out so much because one you weren't in the hero course second the fact that you didn't even bother to clean yourself and choose to come as the hot mess you were.

Hair sticking out and messy, dirty clothes and your sharp eyes looked like they could look through everyone's soul. You looked intimating to some level.

Sunflowers and rainbows . { male reader }Where stories live. Discover now