Life goes on

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You seriously wished you could just block people out of your life and never have to deal with them ever again but no, it wasn't that easy.

For example how you are now sitting in a private booth in some fancy restaurants with a weird foreign name you rather not say.

"How's school?"

"I'm graduating next week." You didn't want to spend your weekend with that man but no Toshinori convinced you that it would be healthier to have a final conversation now that everything is out.

"Ok. You like Italian food so I thought you would like this pla-"

"I never said that....I don't have a favorite food, just whatever is easier to make and pasta happens to be just that..."

"Look I know you probably hate me and-"

"I do hate you."

Kane sighed rubbing his face then looking back at your cold expression
"I...I just wanted to end our story on a good ending since you're obviously not coming home at all, so I have to let this off my chest" he took a deep breath.

"I'm a monster, I abused you mentally and physically, I treated like you're nothing but a bug I keep crushing with the heel of my shoe whenever I saw it, while in reality I just felt pressured and angry, you remind me of her so much it's fucking painful, I wish I could've raised you better and loved you like my own but I destroyed you even more, I understand if you will never forgive me for what've done to you all these years but I'll apologize anyways. I am sorry I made your life a living hell."

You leaned back on your back covering your eyes with your hand, a lump was growing in your throat.

You were too tired of crying.

"I was in pain. I prayed every night to whatever god out there to make my that night the last, I felt so lonely by myself, I was bullied at one point because I was the quiet introvert child I became, it only stopped when I became harsh and violent towards whoever nears me which lead me to not having friends until high school, my only and best friend showed me more love in those years than I've ever received from you, there is part in my body that have scars on them from your brutal hits....I miss her day and night, I know she's in a safe place now because she sent an angel, a person beautiful inside out and more of a man than you'll ever be." You stood up suddenly, before he could stand up himself you slapped his face with all the force you have knocking him off his chair.

Your hand started shaking, you've only hit to let out some of the anger you've kept throughout the years.

He held his bruised cheek with teary eyes looking up at you, the resemblance to your mother made his heart ache, he tried reaching his other hand towards you but you stepped back.

"I will not forgive you for year of abuse over a sloppy apology nor a fancy meal, I wanted love that's all I wanted my entire life, to be loved to be wanted but somehow you chose to hate every inch of me instead, I'm in a happy relationship with someone that appreciates me and loves me to deaths and I'm not letting you back in my life just like that, you will need to work harder to gain any type of trust from me, so start thinking about what your girlfriend my own mother would've thought if she was alive and saw the awful way you treated an innocent child, because thanks to you a piece of my heart turned to stone and my eyes can't cry anymore over my pathetic past, I'll live and enjoy my life while you drown in your own guilt and misery all alone. Goodbye Kane." You turned around and walked, ignoring the stares, ignoring the cries he let out and blocked the world until you got home.

Toshinori blushed grinning at you receiving your degree from the principle.

As you walked down to your seat you winked at your boyfriend with a smirk making him blush harder then pulled your graduation hat over your face slightly to cover your embarrassed face.

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