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How the hell did I end up actually coming here?.

" I'm spending the night at a friend's house ." You really weren't expecting much from the older man on the other side of the phone-line.

" whatever. Come back tomorrow " he said before closing the line in your face. That was odd but so him at the same time.

So here were you walking alongside by side with probably the closest person you ever had out of the house? Your friend.

" I swear you'll enjoy it, and really it will be a change in mood since mostly it's kinda boring living alone" that is true you remember him telling you he lived alone in a house in one of the big wealthy neighborhoods, his uncle and mother would visit from time to time but yeah on casual days it was only him.

" how long before we get there?" You asked looking around at all the beautiful houses and gates, it wasn't that you pitted yourself over this no not at all it was actually refreshing to go somewhere out of that neighborhood of yours that's mostly filled with elders and sometimes new weds looking for a Quiet place to settle into.

" Right there, that's the one " your somewhat tired eyes trailed down his footsteps and landed up to a medium-size house gate. For some reason, you felt a little relieved, why?.

You didn't know.

" hey come on in " he opened the gate with a small key he had in his pocket that was attached to a chain alongside many others, you wondered why he carried that many with him.

Your steps were steady and calm following behind till the entireness of the house where you took notice of a small bowl for a pet it seems.

You couldn't recall him talking about owning any pets in the past since he said he's too busy to take care of one and not responsible enough to keep a living thing.

It seems that he noticed you staring at the bowl so he picked up with him before unlocking the front door of the house.

" it's for some stray animals who sometimes come by " you eyed him for a minute before sighing and going with him inside the beautifully designed house.

" Sorry for the mess ".

" it's fine" you replied taking off your shoes with him, the place wasn't an entire mess well not completely for a guy living alone it was decent if you look over the shoes that were thrown all over the doorway and dirty coat hanging on one of the hangers in the hall.

You took in a last overall look before dragging yourself to what you assumed was the living room and slammed your bag on the floor then forget any meaning that belonged to manners lettering yourself lay on the soft sofa with spread legs and closed eyes.

Ash chuckled when he came back from the bathroom to see you acting like you already live there.

" I was gonna say make yourself at home but that's not needed apparently I have a shameless friend " you mentally rolled your eyes before feeling his shadow above you " what?" Without any warning, he pulled back on your feet with so much easy you always collapsed on the floor.

" Hey give me a warning god " he shook his head taking a hold of your wrist leading you upstairs " we both need to change and start to making dinner already".

Give me a break.

" Here try this one I'll go change in the bathroom " looking back at the Spider-Man PJs almost made you laugh, not because they were childish or old school fat from that they just reminded you of your younger yours when you used to stay up at night behind your sister back to watch cartoons on tv with very low volume.

Sunflowers and rainbows . { male reader }Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora