Toshinori Yagi

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" Mmm...Rainbow right ? ".

" Yes...".

You weren't sure what to be surprised by at this very moment well for starters you had a student come asking for help other than Ash and not just help from anybody a student specifically asked for Your help.

" well, m-my hero suit yes! It's I..." it was a male a senior too " In all honestly... I just moved from the general education to heroics and I needed help with designing my suit and... Ash mentioned your name and how good you are ! ".

Of course, that idiot would say that.

You sigh understanding the situation better that he explained his odd awkwardness " sure why not let me see what you got " his face beamed handing you a paper with the design he came up with.

Quirk: puppet master.

Notes: something that can hold strings with a lot of flexibility.

The design was indeed simple, a grey jumpsuit along with a white mask to cover his eyes and a crimson red coat to top the look off.

" what you think ? " your eyes gazed one more time at the paper in your hand before turning around in your seat and opening a towel box that was left under the many many projects needed to be done by the end of the year.

The new heroin training stood awkwardly waiting for you to turn around or try to figure out what in the world you were doing.

" The design is fine but on your notes, you said you wanted to carry strings so how about one of these " you moved your hand back to him without looking letting take the small piece of fabric in his hand " this type of fabric hardly gets torn like normal fabric, it's what Ash suit is made of that's why it only gets ripped by huge and intense combat " the boy nodded touching the thick piece in his hand before realizing what you suggesting.

" This would be perfect to use as strings too right ? ".

" Bingo.... by the way, are you in any way related to the hero best jeaniest ".

" oh...well yeah he's kinda my far uncle..."

At least that explains the Quirk itself.

" anyways kid go before you get in trouble I'll get this done then let power loader review before handing it to you ok " the boy agreed before heading out of the lab.

You sighed lifting up the lab goggles above your mass of hair.

".....Toshinori..." here you were thinking about him again, why was he so mysterious so odd...there was something and Ash seemed to know the answer.

It didn't take long till lunch break came along and a familiar pair Of big lively emerald green eyes stared down at your shorter self with so much excitement in them " You Ready !? " you rubbed your eyes tiredly nodding your head.

Ash dragged you by your wrist not even bothering to let you change out of your baggy jumpsuit. But then again you were used to it being dragged around by him, you'll never forget the first day you two meet he was like a lost child struggling with the language hardly making a reasonable sentence but now look at him all jumpy speaking and reading the language like a pro.

Eventually, you both slammed your butts down on the grass outside the building in an area that wasn't crowded by other students or the smell of food.

" So you want to know about Toshinori Yagi am I right ? " you nodded slowly then watched him pull a book out of his backpack that he dragged along with him. The book looked like a yearbook of some sort but an old one at it, U.A was printed on the front with the date of release.

Sunflowers and rainbows . { male reader }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon