Chapter Nine Part II

Start from the beginning

"Wade! Get your ass here and set up the defences before Carlos shows up with his double chin" I heard Dixon shout.

"Got ya, Boss" a deep voice rumbled.

"Hey Boss! That ass-kicking earlier was awesome, right?" some one said "That shitty Cursed Vengeance won't know what hit them"

There was a lot of laughter and whistles of appreciation at this.

"I am gonna drill nails into the mother fuckers" growled Ed, leaning on the wall beside me.

I didn't respond. Instead, I leaned a little through the opening of the door. Cement and dirt plastered on my palms as I leaned on the wall.

I saw Dixon leaning casually on a pile of cement bags a few metres away. He has sandy blonde hair and repulsive tattoos all over his arms. His teeth are all sorts of colour cause he's always chewing some or the other sort of tobacco. Frankly, it always manages to distract me when I am trying to maintain a good old, verbal fight with him. I couldn't tell you his eye colour because I have never bothered to pay attention to it. He always wears tight, god-aweful coloured jeans and leather jackets. That guy could use some fashion tips those pussy magazines spew. The ones that I attempt to read when Sam is on lecture-Alexis-to-hell mode.

I can always tell whenever Dixon The Dick is nearby. No, not because I have a soul connection with him (Ughh, barf reflex coming up). It is because he always smells very strongly of gasoline. God knows why he does but I could get still get a whiff of it all the way to my hiding spot.

There were about twenty men, all armed. A freakishly huge, bald guy was setting up a table and some chairs. There was a lamp kept nearby which was just casting a dim glow on all the men.

A guy ran in. "Boss! The Mexican's here"

Dixon gritted his teeth "He's late"

No one uttered a word in reply as a few of his men walked upto different spots in the room and stashed their guns in their jackets.

Ed creeped to the other side of the door frame and leaned out, being careful to be shrouded in the shadows.

Carlos came waddling in a moment later. He looked passive and calm. He was just as I remembered from the club. His sagging cheeks and the two strands of hair neatly combed across his bald scalp. As usual there was a thick cigar in his mouth and uncountable gold rings on his fingers.

Behind him, his Hulk Hogan's shadowed his footsteps. I watched as they took up positions behind the table. There were only two.

I guessed that Carlos wasn't that scared of the Black Bullets than he was of us. That made me smirk and make Ed give me a curious look. Carlos collapsed into a chair and pulled out a fresh cigar.

"Care to habe ohne, Senor Dickson?" he said.

Ed and I stiffled our laughter with difficulty. Even Dixon's men fought to keep their faces straight.

Dixon glared back "It's Dixon, you old soot"

The Hulk's took a step forward immediately. "Shoot?" said Carlos.

"It mean's Sir in our code", one of Dixon's men hastily spoke up. His eyes were trained on the Hulks all the while.

"Cowards" I growled. Ed reached for his gun "We should finish this crap"

"No!" I whispered frantically "We have to wait for Jake, wherever the hell he is, to attack first"

Ed shook his head "Alexis, these douchebags might get the Mexican deal. Jake wouldn't want that"

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