romantic walks

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Next morning

It was 9.30 am and I awoke immediately I smelt the smell of Coffee boiling. I grab my dressing gown and go downstairs.

Richard is busy getting breakfast ready, I hear him humming the tune of Misty Mountains Cold I creep up behind him I wrap my arms around him I join with the tune of Misty Mountains Cold, he turns around " Goodmorning my angel did you sleep well"? Says Richard squeezing me tight towards him.

Richard says (stroking my hair) " Did you think about it"? I say " I'm sorry darling i didn't i fell asleep straight away"!

He put the breakfast on the table, " breakfasts ready"! I've got my coffee in my hands, as we sat eating our breakfast that poor Richard had got up early to cook I thought he would have loved to stay in bed a bit more like I did.

Richard says " So? What might you want to do this morning"? I say " I suggest that we'd go for a walk what about hum Hyde park i thought it might nice that's all a nice romantic walk through the park together what's not to like"! Richard replys " it sounds wonderful baby but have you looked at the weather"! I reply " Oh come on (Giving Richard the puppy dog eyes) you're not scared of a bit of rain water are you"? He smiles " no"! I say quickly " Well then what's not to like .....we'll just have to take a brolly with us if the Heavens decide to open besides it's nearly Summer"!

Richard smiles " Oh you? You've twisted my arm again"! Coming around my side of the table and kissed me on the head. I thought we've settled down well, Richard says " Oi missy how do you do it"? I reply " Do what Burt"? Richard replys laughing (🤣🤣) " eh? My names not burt its bloody Richard"! I can't resist calling it Richard again when he says "  you dare say it again"! I say "  burt"! Richard's face glares at me when he says " I told you not call me burt"! I reply " I know I know I just couldn't resist having another go"! Standing the doorway of Richard's bedroom, I turn to go into the bathroom to get a wash, I thanked God I'm not bloke so I not have to use the bathroom for 15 minutes at time, surprisingly Richard he took about 10 minutes. I was brushing my teeth when he came into him and asked me to do his top button up on his black shirt. Richard never lost rag at me not once. Although I knew whether it could wide him up. He tries to tease me, but he does tone it down when I ask him to.
We grap the brolly and make our way through the streets of London to get to Hyde Park this was probably the most romantic we've both been and to be honestly we're just want to be normal couple having a walk through the park, Richard was fortunate though because hes one of the few that don't get recognised by anyone so I guess we didn't have to stop every five minutes to sign autographs. It was Sunday morning so most people would have been still in bed.

The fresh breeze just hit us the minute we stepped out of the front door.

I took this walk as a chance to ask him whether he was serious about us getting married. Most of people would think the worst thing ever if they saw this that's why Richard refused to announce the engagement I am not sure you can entirely say that we are officially husband and wife - to - be.

I say " Darling? Did you mean what you said when hinted about me being you're wife one day"?

Richard laughs " Yes of course I did"! Kissing my hand and we carried on walking"! It was terrifying the thought of having a ring on my fourth finger...... engagement ring.

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