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We get back to South East London and Richard drives on to the gravel driveway.

I turn to Richard and asked if he was okay, I say " Angel are you okay"? He says " I'm fine thankyou honestly baby"! Squeezing my hand gently.

He stops the car and walks to my side of the car (the passenger side) and opens the door for me he holds out his hand for me to hold as I step out the car I feel my heel wobble on the gravel I'm scared they were only small heels but I could never stand still, Richard managed to grab my hands.

Richard said " I can wheel the cases in don't worry"! I try opening the boot to drag the cases out but ge sees me he runs towards me urgently " ahh ahh no lifting you I'll do it"! I reply " I can manage a couple of cases"! Richard replys " I can do it myself honestly"! I reply " stop refusing my help I can help"! Richard says " its three cases on wheels so I'll lift out of the car you wheel them in"! I reply " ok have it you're way"! I do as I'm told I wheel the cases in the house, I put the cases by the Orcist sword by the coat stand. Richard says " leave them there"! I go into the kitchen and everything feels completely bare, I find the tea and coffee and sugar. I shout " Darling I've turned the kettle on for you we're in need of a cuppa aren't we"! The weather was awful and it raining and we in dier need of a cuppa, I grap 2 cups and poured the coffee, I say " here we go my darling"! I hand the cup to him and he sips it willingly"! Richard leads me to couch and we both sit down, and Richard said " darling we need to talk about your future ...... with me"! I repeat " with you"! Richard replys " I'm going to come out with it ......... I want you to move in with me"!

I repeat " Move in with you"! My eyes widened not with fear with joy I say crying " Yes ...... yes I will stay here ...... with you"! Richard hugs me and tightened me and held me close to him Richard says " I'm so glad you made this decision to move in"! I reply " yeah ........ yeah so am I my darling"! Richard is such a loving person as am I so we suite each other. As the night wears on Richard says " Come on then to bed I think I'm shattered and i daresay you are too"! I reply " hum i am rather"! Richard says " I'll carry you up to bed"! I'm independent " No thankyou my darling I can manage sweetie"!

I felt somewhat different with Richard then I did on my own because on my own I felt lonely and not really any good to talk to, but with him I'm totally different, I'm an adult and I should have the choice in who I want to be with.
You see just because I am 25 and look younger and more vulnerable doesn't mean to say I can be with an older guy. Richard is one the one that looks after me when I'm unwell he gives me huge hugs when I'm upset l cannot see the harm in that can you?


I feel completely at ease with Richard he's such a wonderful person and loveable sometimes I feel like calling him my loveable rogue but how sillys that eh? We're together and that's all I ever wanted out of life ..... was love. I know we haven't yet discussed the big issues yet like Marriage or Kids but I'd happily be his wife that's if he'd ever ask me of course. Where do we ho from here though? Because mum wanted us (Me and Richard) to stay with her but Rich said he was happy to stay at the hotel and surprisingly agreed to it. Of course now that we're living together it's going to be easier for the pair of us. It was 7.30 at night when Richard returned from the office " your teas in the oven darling"! He comes over to kiss me on the head, " Thankyou sweetheart"! He runs upstairs and put an old t - shirt and joggers I did his washing, he picked his clean shirt up and put his joggers on,  and run downstairs, I'm sat in the lounge watching Coronation Street when he walks in with his tea he says " Do you do all the washing angel"? I reply " I did sweetheart and put it all away for you, suddenly he took me by surprise when Richard says " You'll make someone a good wife one day"! I knew this was hint that I could be his wife.

I turn and look at him " I beg your pardon what did you just say"! Richard repeats " you'll make someone a good wife one day"! I reply " is that you hinting Richard Armitage"? He smiles mischievously " Let's say I am"! I reply " you want me to Marry me"! Richard replys " Why not? Sweetheart"?I look at him we'd been together 2 and half years so that Richard believes that it is time for us to be Man and wife.

Richard didn't plan to ask me to marry him but I want to be his wife.

I became very nervous about this option, about getting married.

I'm tired and I needed to sleep so I want upstairs and climbed on the bed.

(Sorry this chapters short)

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