Chapter 6

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                  Feelings for Queen

Jack woke up from his sleep and went down stairs to eat breakfast. When he was done eating he went to the bathroom and took a bath. When he was done he went to his room and wore his school uniform. When he was done he went out of his house and walk all the way to the school. Before Jack went in Queen called his name. Jack turned around and waved at Queen.

Queen: Good morning Jack!

Jack: Good morning Queen!

Queen and Jack went inside the school together and went to their classroom together. When they arrive at their classroom they both sitted on their chair. Jack and Queen started talking how much fun they had yesterday. Jack felt really weird when ever he is near to Queen. When they were talking Cyan and Rose went to them.

Rose: Morning Queen!

Queen: Morning Rose!

Cyan: Morning Jack!

Jack: Morning Cyan

Rose: What were you guys talking about?

Queen: About the fun times we had yesterday

Rose: Oh ya that was fun

Jack: Ya it was

Cyan: So what will you guys will do on saturday?

Queen: Actually I have nothing do on saturday

Jack: I am doing nothing as well

Rose: How about we all go to the beach and camp there

Cyan: That's a good idea Rose

Rose: Hehehe thanks big brother

Queen: Okay let's do it

Jack: I'm in

Rose: Great let's tell King and Ai about it

King: Tell me and Ai about what?

Jack: Ahhhhh! King stop sneaking up like that

King: Hehehe sorry. So what is it you guys want to tell me?

Rose: We wanted to tell you and Ai that we should go to the beach and camp there on saturday

King: Okay I'll join and I'll tell Ai about

Rose: Great then let's go to the beach okay

Jack, King, Cyan and Queen: Okay!

When they were done talking about going to the beach on saturday their teacher came in and their class started. For a few hours it was not recess. Jack, Rose, Cyan, Queen and King went to the canteen to buy some snacks. When they were done eating they went back to their classroom and sitted down to their chair. For a few hours again they went to the cafeteria to eat lunch together. Then for few hours it was time for them to go home. Before Queen went home Jack called Queen.

Jack: Hey Queen

Queen: Ya what is it Jack?

Jack: Can we go to the ice cream store to buy ice cream my threat

Queen: Okay *smiles*

Jack: *Blushes*

Queen and Jack went to the ice cream store to buy some ice cream. Jack felt his cheeks got hot and red. Jack's heart was pumping fast when he is now around with Queen. He never felt like this when he is with Queen he just feel normal when he is with her. Maybe I do have feeling for Queen. Jack shook his head to forget about what he was thinking. Finally they arrived at the ice cream store.

Queen: Come one Jack let's get some ice cream *grabs Jack's hand*

Jack: *Blushes* o-okay

When they went in the ice cream store they choose a flavor for their ice cream. Queen's flavor was strawberry and Jack's flavor was chocolate. When they were done buying ice cream they went out of the story. When they were out they saw Rose and Cyan was about to go inside the ice cream.

Queen: Hi Rose, hi Cyan

Rose and Cyan: Hi Queen, hi Jack

Jack: What are you guys doing here?

Cyan: Buying some ice cream as well

Rose: We sometimes some here when class is over

Jack: Ohhhhhhh okay

Rose: So I'm guessing that you two were buying ice cream?

Queen: Yes the ice cream here is so good

Rose: I know right

Jack: Well anyway we have to go now

Rose: Okay bye Queen, bye Jack

Queen and Jack: Bye

Rose and Cyan went inside the ice cream store to buy ice cream as well. Jack and Queen went home together. Queen was now holding Jack's hand. When Jack notice it he began to blush when Queen was holding his hand while they were eating ice cream. When they arrived at Queen house Queen let's go of Jack's hand.

Queen: Bye and thanks for taking me to ice cream store to buy ice cream see you tomorrow *smiles at Jack*

Jack: *Blushes* y-your welcome Queen b-bye s-see you tomorrow *waves at Queen*

Queen: *waves back*

Jack's POV

When I was done saying good bye to Queen I walked back to my house. When I was at my house I went in and ran to my room. When I was at my room I putted my face to a pillow and was blushing.

Jack: Wh-what just happen to me back there I was talking so strange to Queen. Maybe I do have feelings for her ugh what is wrong with me *blushes*

I was think so hard that do I really have feelings for Queen or something else. Its like I like Queen more then a friend. Do I really love Queen deep done?


Hey guys sorry for the long update since school is starting it will be hard for me to update this story but I will do my best to update. Hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter and if there is wrong grammar and wrong spelling then please forgive me for that. Thanks for reading my story bye for now

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