Chapter 2

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        Getting to know each other

Today is the second day at a new school for Queen and from her fist day she finally has friends. Silver heart her grandfather called for breakfast. Queen went down stairs to eat. When she was done she went to the bathroom to take a bath. *5 minutes later* when she was done she went to her room and wore her school uniform and when she was done wearing her school uniform she said good bye to Silver heart and ran all the way to school. She was at the school she saw Jack.

Queen: Hi Jack and good morning *waves her hand*

Jack: *Looks at Queen and waves his hand as well* hi Queen and good morning

Queen: *Goes to Jack* let's go in together

Jack: Okay

Queen and Jack went into the school together. When they were in there class room they saw Rose and Cyan talking.

Queen: *Goes to rose and cyan* good morning

Rose and Cyan: Good morning

Queen: Did you guys did your history homework?

Rose and Cyan: Yup what about you Queen?

Queen: Yup

Cyan: And what about you joker I'm guessing that you didn't do it

Jack: Of course I did

Cyan: Queen did he really did his homework?

Queen: Yes he did and i helped him

Cyan: So you had help from queen?

Jack: Uhhhh....hehehe ya

Cyan: Just as I thought

Jack: Hehehehehe

Rose: Well at least you did your homework Jack and its okay that you needed help

Jack: Thanks Rose

Rose: Anytime *smiles*

Queen: *Looks at the door* hey teacher is comeing

Jack: *Sits down*

Queen: *Sits down*

Teacher: Good morning class

All students: Good morning teacher

Teacher: Today's first subject is science now I want all of you to get you science book and open to page 10

*3 hours later*

Teacher: Good bye class

All students: Good bye and thanks you teacher

Teacher: You may now take your snacks

All of the students went to the canteen to buy some snacks. When they were done buying there snacks they went back to the classroom to eat their snack.

Queen: So Jack what is your favorite food?

Jack: My favorite food is curry cause I always think that curry is number one

Queen: Hehehe okay

Jack: What about you what's your favorite food Queen?

Queen: Mt favorite is cake but my favorite flavor is strawberry

Jack: Oh okay

Queen: So how many years have you been here?

Jack: About 4 years

Queen: Wow and what about Rose and Cyan?

Jack: Oh them 4 years as well

Queen: So you three known your selves for 4 years now?

Jack: Yup we were like close friends before

Queen: That's sounds nice. Do you have other friends then rose and cyan?

Jack: Yup his name is....

Before Jack could say anything a blue hair boy with a yellow crown on his hair joined they're conversation.

King: Hi Jack

Jack: Hi King its been a while

King: Yes it has been a while

Queen: Ummm....joker who is this?

Jack: Oh this is King. King this is Queen

King: Hi there Queen

Queen: Hi King

Jack: King was my old friend 4 years ago but he transfer school so I haven't seen him for a while

King: Yup we were

Queen: That's sounds sad that you guys didn't see each other for a long time

Jack: Ya but now his here and I didn't expect that you will be back

King: Yup I just want to surprise you

Rose: Hi king what a surprise

King: Hi Rose, hi Cyan

Cyan: Hi and its been a while since we last saw you

King: Hehehehe ya

Queen: Rose you guys know each other as well

Rose: Yes we were

Cyan: Hey guys teacher is coming

Teacher: Good morning class

All students: Good morning teacher

All of the students sited down and they're class was starting. They're subject was math.

*5 minutes later*

Teacher: Before you take your lunch I just want to remind you all that there will be no school tomorrow

All students: Okay teacher

Teacher: Okay class dismissed

When they're class was done they went to the cafeteria. Jack, Queen, king, Rose and Cyan went together to the cafeteria to eat lunch together. When they got they're lunch they sited together to eat lunch. While they're eating they talk about each other.

Jack: Hey guys tonight let's have a sleepover

Queen: That's a good idea sure let's do it

King: Okay i don't have anything to do

Rose: That will be great

Cyan: Okay why not

Jack: Okay tonight will have our sleepover

Queen, king, Rose and Cyan: Okay

For a few minutes the bell rang. Jack, Queen, King, Rose and Cyan went back to the classroom for they're next subject. The first one was history class then english. *2 hours later* they're class ended and all of the students went home.

Jack: Bye guys see you guys tonight for the sleepover

Queen: Okay bye Jack, bye guys

Ai, Rose and Cyan: Bye

They all went home prepared they're things for they're sleepover tonight. Queen ask her grandfather that is she is okay to go to the sleepover. Silver heart said yes to Queen that she can go the sleepover. Queen was really happy that her grandfather said yes. Queen went to he room to prepare her things for the sleepover. Silver heart starts cooking for they're dinner. Queen was really excited for tonight.


Hi guys sorry that I haven't updated for a while and I hope that you guys enjoy reading it and if there are wrong spellings and wrong grammar please forgive me for that. Bye guys see ya at the next chapter.

Friends To Lovers (Kaitou Joker x Diamond Queen)Where stories live. Discover now