Chapter 8

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    Jack tells his feelings for Queen

Jack woke up and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. When he was done eating he wore his clothes for going to the beach and got everything he needs for the beach. Jack walk to all the way to the school. When he arrive outside of the school he already saw Cyan, Rose and Queen waiting.

Jack: Hey guys

Rose: Hi Jack

Jack: Where is King and Ai?

Cyan: They haven't arrived yet

Queen: We are still waiting for them

Jack: Ohhh okay then

Rose, Cyan, Queen and Jack were waiting for King and Ai to arrive. 10 minutes later King and Ai finally arrived.

Jack: What took you so long?

Cyan: Yeah we were waiting for you guys for 10 minutes

King: Hehehe sorry we were buying some snacks

Ai: Yeah we are so sorry that we're late guys

Queen: Its ok. Since we are all here let's go to the beach now

Rose, Cyan, Jack, Ai and King: Okay

The six of them went to the beach together. When they arrive at the beach they were amazed how beautiful it is. When they found the spot to seat and to camp out they started to have fun together.

Rose: Since we're now here what do you guys think we should do now

Cyan: How about we play volleyball boys vs girls

Rose: That's a good idea brother let's do that who's in?

King: I am

Jack: I'm in

Queen: I am so in

Ai: Okay I'm also in

Rose: Great now let's play

Cyan, Jack, King, Queen and Ai: Okay

The six of them started playing volleyball boys vs girls. For a few minutes all of them got tiered and took a break.

Jack: So we all won?

Cyan: Guess so

Jack: Well okay then

Queen: Hey let's go swimming now

Rose: Good idea Queen

Ai and King: K let's go

All six of them wore their swim suit and started swimming at the water. They all had fun playing in the water, making sand castle and eating some sea foods. They all had a great time at the beach speeding time together. The sun almost set so all of the had to change clothes and watch the sun set. Later Jack will finally tell Queen how he feels about her when its the right time for him to do. Rose, Queen and Ai started cooking for their dinner while King, Cyan and Jack were just seating at the sand talking

King: Men this day has been awesome

Cyan: Yeah this sure was fun

Jack: Yup it has been fun

Cyan: And today your gonna tell Queen how you fell right Jack?

Jack: *Blushes* O-Of course

King: Hey Jack are you nervous?

Jack: Well yeah I mean what if she won't accept how I feel

King: She will accept it Jack

Cyan: Yeah if you won't screw it up

Jack: Hehehe yeah

King: Just relax tonight you will tell her how you feel okay

Jack: Okay thanks guys

King: Your welcome

Cyan: Yeah your welcome

Rose: Hey boys dinner is ready

Cyan, Jack and King: Okay

King: Remember Jack be your self

Jack: Okay

Jack, King and Cyan joined Queen, Rose and Ai to eat dinner together. When they were done all of them seated at the sand and watch the star.

Rose: Wow the stars are so beautiful tonight

Ai: Yeah it is

King: And the water look so amazing during night time

Cyan: Yeah

Queen: This has bee great guys

Jack: Yeah having fun together here has been great

King: *Whispers to Jack's ear* Hey Jack how about you and Queen go for a walk together alone and if you guys are not seen by here tell her how you feel *winks*

Jack: *Nods*

Jack: Uhhh hey Queen let's go for a walk together

Queen: Okay

Jack and Queen walk together alone so that Jack can finally tell him how he feels. When they were not seen by the others Jack stopped and looks at Queen.

Queen: Hey Jack why did you stop?

Jack: Queen there is something i need to tell you

Queen: What is it that you want to tell me?

Jack: *Blushes* Queen I...I...I love you

Queen: *Was shocked and blushes*

Jack: I know you didn't expect this from me but its true. Every since we keep on hanging out I had feeling for you. I felt like I like you more then a friend but as a crush to me. I know you may not accept my feelings for you but its okay I understand. Queen I love you and I hope that you can accept it

Queen: *Blushes* J-Jack I...

Rose: Hey guys it time for us to sleep its getting late

Jack: If you need time you can tell me tomorrow morning or on Monday *walks back to the others*

Queen: *Blushes and looks down a bit and walks back to the others to*

Queen and Jack head back where the others were.

Rose: Hey Queen how was the walk with Jack?

Queen: Ohhh uhhh it was fine

Rose: Oh okay

Ai: Come one let's sleep guys

Queen: O-Okay

Before Jack, King and Cyan will sleep they first talk about Jack confesses his feelings to Queen.

King: So Jack how was it?

Cyan: Did she accept how you feel about her?

Jack: I'm not sure. When I told her how I felt she was like shocked then Rose called us so I just told her that she can tell her answer tomorrow

King: I see

Cyan: Well I guess we'll fined out tomorrow

Jack: Guess so

King: Don't worry Jack I'm sure she will say yes

Jack: Yeah maybe

Cyan: Well that's taking care of let's go to bed now shall we

King: Okay

Jack: Okay Cyan

The three of them went inside their tent and fell asleep. Jack is worried what is Queen's answer? And Queen was thinking on what Jack just told her earlier about Jack's feelings to her. Tomorrow Queen will answer it to Jack if she does love Jack back.

Friends To Lovers (Kaitou Joker x Diamond Queen)Where stories live. Discover now