She said before simply taking the suitcase and carrying it upstairs leaving Nicki there speechless. She couldn't lie and say she wasn't turned on at all, but she just wanted time alone so she locked the door and went upstairs. When she went in their bedroom she saw Beyoncé taking her pillows and her wash bag before heading out of the room without saying anything to her.


Nicki couldn't stand sleeping alone, it was making her more sad than usual. She just wanted Beyoncé to be behind her, cuddling and kissing her making her feel safe. Without her, she felt so alone. after several minutes she caved in and got up and went to the guest bedroom to see Beyoncé just laid there looking up at the ceiling. She looked at Nicki as she walked in slowly.

N: ... I cleared my head

B:... okay

Nicki realised Beyoncé was gonna let her make the first move which made her want to roll her eyes but she didn't.

N:...can you come back to bed now?

Beyoncé just looked at her. She was too cute for words.


She asked nervously playing with her hands. Beyoncé sighed and got out of bed and got her pillows and wash bag and followed Nicki out of the room into their own. Beyoncé put her pillows on her side and they got back in bed together. Nicki looked at her before looking down and back up at her to speak.

N: I'm sorry

Beyoncé looked at her and shuffled closer to her before wrapping her arms around her tightly.

B: I'm sorry too for everything I said. I didn't mean for it to come out like that baby. But I want you to know ever since we met I've enjoyed every day with you. And my love for you is so deep.

Nicki smiled a little before snuggling into her chest.

N: I love you too

Beyoncé kissed her forehead and they just laid there for a while before Nicki spoke up again.

N: i found it sexy when you told me to go upstairs

Beyoncé giggled as she gave her forehead another kiss.

B: did you now?

Nicki nodded with a smile while blushing.

N: very daddy-like

They laughed quietly as the snuggled as close as they possibly could.

B: I love you... so much

She said playing with her hand that had the engagement ring on it. Beyoncé took her hand and brought it up to her face with Nicki's eyes following.

B: and I can't wait to marry you

She said before she kissed her hand making Nicki smile.

N: I love you too baby

They got comfortable and went to sleep much easier having each other there.


Beyoncé came out of the shower to see Nicki in a nude mid-long sundress that made Beyoncé pause and drool.

N: babe you out?

She asked with her back turned to her.

B: yeah where you going?

N: to get some groceries we need more milk and-

B: you're going grocery shopping in that?

Nicki turned around with a confused face

N: what's wrong with it?

Pretty Is [BEYNIKA] {COMPLETED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें