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Silence filled the once loud home

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Silence filled the once loud home. Evan sat on a rocking chair, eyes gazing out the window. Soft smile stretched out as her hand gently caressed her belly. She was finally getting her first baby, whether it's a boy or girl she vows to make sure they are happy.

Fast footsteps approached her door making her jump, breath hitching as she wrapped her arms around her figure. A decaying face flashed through her mind, the screams of her American comrades. Tears of fear filled her eyes. The door opened to reveal her husband, Rick O'Connell, who wore a smile. It quickly faded at the sight of his frightened wife.

"Evan!" He exclaimed and rushed to her side. Panic coursing through his body. Rick knew that the Carnahan woman still had trouble sleeping and had horrid flashbacks but now with her pregnancy he wasn't sure if it was due to the baby or the flashbacks.

"R-Rick," her voice cracked and her hands trembled as they stretched out to grab him. Rick immediately pulled her close, rocking back and forth while speaking soothing words. His hand rubbed circles on her back.

Sobs broke out as she tightened her grip on him, falling to the ground. She wasn't okay, she wasn't strong. Evan Carnahan-O'Connell was traumatized, she feared what might happen in the future. She was worried that one day Imhotep would return and finally bring back his wife or whatever she was to him in her previous life.

Rick understood her fears and promised himself that he would be there for her though her process of healing. If it took a year, two or even ten, it didn't matter because for her he would fight another army of mummies. For her he would die. Evan Carnahan is everything to him and he would rise hell himself if anything were to happen to her.

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