Part 15

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             Y/N pov
  "Detective, are you sure this is a good idea?" A first responder from my precinct asked.
  "Nope. But it's the only lead we've got." I snatched up all my stuff from my desk and rush out the door. I run down the street, moving quickly because I wanted to get to the suspects apartment.
  I quickly arrive to the complex with the apartment, and go up to the secretary.
  "Hello ma'ma! How may I help you?"
She said I'm a sweet voice. "Hi, I'm looking for a man named Richard Jackson. Do you know what room he's in?" She gave me a confused look, which instantly changed to concern. "You mean Dick? He's not in any trouble is he?" If she's friends with Richard or Dick than she might know something. "No, he isn't in any trouble. I just need to speak with him about something he's got himself into." I nod kindly. The secretary quickly hands over the apartment number and tells me how to get there. I thank her and slip off to the third floor.

         Rosa's pov
  "Detective Diaz, it appears we were able to find some details that might help you interrogate your witness," He said with a small almost invisible smile.
  "Thanks Captain, but what more could help me?!" I flopped down onto his couch. He slid a file across the desk to me. Maybe the knowledge that your suspect isn't a runner, and is in fact a higher up." I gasped and quickly read through the file. "I have to tell Jake!"
  I ran out straight to Jake's desk. "The guys not a runner!" The same look of confusion and surprise that crossed my face, crossed his. "We have to go back now! He got moved to the holding cell!" Just as he was about to run away, I grabbed his arm. "Before we interrogate him, we should think of a strategy. This information is vital." He nodded and we ran quickly to get him back into an interrogation room.

     Y/N pov
  The same secretary leads me up to room 203, where I was informed he was in the first place.
  "Thank you ma'ma," I said kindly. She nodded and walked away. I got my tough police face on before I knocked. He answered the door quickly.
  "Hi, can I help you?" He said, almost sounding snarky. "Yes, you're Richard Jackson?" He nodded as I got my hand cuffs at the ready. "Okay, I'm going to need you to come down to the station with me. I have a few questions I need to ask you," I said with a serious face on. "Yes of course. Just let me grab my phone." He ran back into the apartment, and I suspected nothing until I heard rustling. "Shit." He's running down the fire escape. I ran down going as fast as I could. 'Dick' apparently wasn't a fast runner, so I quickly caught up and read him his rights.

    Rosa pov
  "Hi, sir I need to ask you why you lied to us about your position under Jackson." He started squirming in his seat. "I don't know what you're talking about," He said with a terrible poker face. "I believe you do," I said with an terrifying glint in my eyes
"Man, I would hate to be that guy. Rosa is scary," Jake said on the other side of the glass.

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