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You open the door to the fridge, and realize that there's not much left in there. You try to make a list of things you should get from the store, since Sunday is usually the day you use to plan the upcoming week.

List in hand, you get to your car on the street, and notice someone scratched it! Didn't leave a note or anything! Even though you drive an old car, you take pride in your things, and you don't like the idea of driving around in a scratched car. But a paint job isn't really in your budget this month, and since it doesn't really stop the car from working properly, you'll just have to be pissed for a while and, ultimately, do nothing about it.

You get in the car and drive to the supermarket. Is there anything special happening right now? Why did everyone decide to come at the same time? You try to find a parking spot, and in all the time it takes to find it, you come up with a new theory: everyone's knowledge of civility and how to operate a vehicle magically disappears the second they enter a parking lot. You sit in your car for a second, remember you're gonna have to look at the heavily scratched door, and just let out a scream.

No one outside seems to have heard, since no heads have turned. Phew. You pick up your phone, and call your boyfriend, because his voice always has a way of calming you down.

"Hey babe, what's up?" he picks up on the third ring.

"Shit. That's what's up. I'm having a terrible day so far and I just yelled in my car," you open up.

"Oh no, Mathilde," Shawn says. You hear him put down something — probably his guitar — and continue. "What happened?"

"Ugh, I had barely anything in my fridge, so I haven't had breakfast yet and I'm hungry. I walked out to my car and someone scratched the hell out of it! There's a long ass white mark on all the driver side and that pisses me off. And then the parking at the supermarket was literal chaos and that's just too much for me to handle right now."

"Aw, you poor thing," you hear him say, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Shawn, it's not funny! I'm pissed right now, I wanted you to cheer me up!"

"I'm sorry babe, just come over and I'll cheer you up like no one ever did," he says, hinting at sex like it's not the last thing on your mind right now.

"For fuck's sake, Shawn, never mind..." you snap, already aggravated by the rest of your awful day.

"No! Mathilde. Wait. Come here, we'll order some food, and we can shop for cars! I'll get you a new one if you want! You know I hate seeing you drive that beat down car, anyway."

"Beat down-? Okay, my car is fine. It's not the latest freakin' Tesla, but it's fine. And I didn't call you so you could throw money at my problems. You should know by now I can't be bought," you say, now furious.

Does he think that's what you wanted? Does he still not know you after 4 months? He's talking, but you're not listening. You cut him off:

"Oh my god! Never mind, Shawn. Go back to whatever you were doing. Bye." You hang up.

You make your way into the store, and pick up what you need. You're a tad rude to the poor cashier, but realize it before it's too late, and apologize; it was you and not them.

The drive back to your place is also chaotic, and you wonder if you're just perceiving it that way since everything else in your life is also going badly. You unlock the door to your apartment complex, and go up the one flight of stairs to your place. You can see at the end of the hall someone that was sitting down now getting up. The tall figure is walking towards you. You know it's Shawn, but you stare straight ahead and only look at him when he blocks your way, taking the bags from your reluctant hands.

"Shawn, I can carry my own groceries," you tell him, still stand-offish.

"Honey, plea-" he can barely say before you cut him off.

"Oh hell no! Don't 'honey' me. That's what you call them, not me. I'm not a nameless fan, okay, Shawn Mendes," you pause. "How did you even get in here, anyway?" you ask him, before whispering to yourself, "Did you have to pay anyone?"

"I was waiting outside for you, and someone let me in as they left. I came over as soon as you hung up, because I didn't like to think of you mad at me. Now please, Mathilde, can we do that inside?" he says, nodding towards the door of your apartment.

He remained calm when he said that, and that also calmed you down a bit. You agree to go in and lead the way. You walk to your tiny kitchen and Shawn follows you, still carrying the bags. You start unloading everything, without a word. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Shawn finally says:

"So, I'm sorry for offering to buy you a new car."

"I don't- I can't tell if you're being sarcastic right now," you answer. "Either way, is that how you want to go through life, Shawn? Just buying every shiny new thing? How long until you toss me for the next model?" you ask, holding his gaze.

"Babe! I wouldn't! You know me, I'm not- I'm still grounded!"

"Are you? Shawn, after what you just told me? Don't buy food at the market, we'll order some, get it delivered. Your car has a bit of cosmetic damage, we'll replace the whole thing! That's not what a regular, down to Earth person does."

"Mathilde, stop."

The seriousness in his voice shakes you. You look at him, surprised and a bit anxious about what he's gonna say.

"I didn't mean to sound like an obnoxious jerk. See it from my point of view. My heart skipped a beat when I saw you were calling me because I hadn't heard from you in a few days. I was sorry to hear you were having a bad day, and I wanted you to come over right away so I could cheer you up, and hold you, and kiss you until you forgot all about what was upsetting you. I offered to order food because you know I can only make, like, an egg on toast, and you deserve better than that!"

He stops to take your hands in his. He looks down and them for a few seconds, but meets your eyes as he starts to speak again.

"And babe, I'm sorry if you feel like the car was too much. But you have no idea how much you give to me. Every single day. Your words, your smiles, your attention and affection. Every single moment you spend with me is a gift I can never begin to repay you for. And I'm sorry I tried to do it with money. I know you moved here from Norway on your own, and you're making it without anyone's help! And I love you for that. I love your pride and your stubbornness. I love that you keep me honest and grounded. And I'm sorry you thought I'd ever try and change that about you."

You both stand still, not saying a word. Your gaze had gone down to your hands, so you look up again and break the silence.

"I love you too, by the way."

Shawn chuckles.

"Yeah, that came out. I- I'd been thinking about saying it for a bit, but I didn't think it'd be in that context," he says, scratching the back of his head in awkwardness.

"It was perfect. I know you mean it. And thank you for explaining. That's possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me," you say with a shy smile.

It widens as Shawn comes down to kiss you. The kiss is soft and light, just like the feeling spreading through your body. You finally pull away.

"So, about that new car, can I get an electric?"

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