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Birds fly freely, you can see Unicorns with beautiful colors, sparkling wings, long dangling tails, and beautiful horns. You can find all the things you want in this country; You can feel four seasons at a time, flowers blooming, snowfall, sunny Sun, and beautiful rainbows. This is Unicornia Country.
"Help me…Help me" There was a sound from inside the Lollipop forest. Gyle ran to find the source of the sound.
"There is no one here," Gyle thought. What Gyle saw was only a Gold Unicorn that was locked in iron bars.
"Hey! Kid. Please release me from this place. "
How surprised Gyle turned out to be the one who called him Unicorn Gold.
"Can you talk? "Gyle asked
" Yes, of course. Please free me, "asked Unicorn Gold.
"Why can you be confined to this place?" Asked Gyle
"I was locked up by the Black Fairy. He wants to dominate this country. "Replied Unicorn gold.
As soon as the atmosphere of the Unicornia country darkened, the flowers which initially bloomed withered, the sun shining brightly became dim.
"Goodness. . . "Black Fairy came to power," complained Unicorn Gold.
"Why is everything darkening? "Asked Gyle with a confused face.
"This is all because of the very evil Black Fairy, she wants to take control of this country. Can you help me restore the cheerful and colorful atmosphere in this country? "Request Unicorn Gold.
" Yes, I want to. But I do not have the power to defeat the Black Fairy, "answered Gyle.
"I will give you my strength, touch my horn. Go to the Brown Mountain there is the Black Palace where Black Fairy lives, "said Unicorn Gold.
Gyle touched the Unicorn Gold horn and as soon as the colorful light surrounded Gyle, Gyle turned into a superhero wearing a gold robe. Then Unicorn Gold advised Gyle, "This trip is not easy. You will find various obstacles and obstacles. Many will need help from that power, you must help them with a sincere and sincere heart. Otherwise, you will not be able to restore the joy of this country. "
The adventure of Gyle begins.
While Gyle was walking he met a small Unicorn in pain, the Unicorn's wings bled. Gyle swiftly helped the Unicorn.
"I will cure you, let's see if my strength can heal your wings."
Gyle heals the Unicorn's wings with his superhero strength. Gyle touched the Unicorn's wings, instantly the Unicorn's wings glowed, smooth, and returned beautifully without blemishes. The little Unicorn wing has healed.
"Wow!.. look at your wings again beautiful, little Unicorn,” said Gyle
"Thank you. What is your name? Where are you going? " asked little Unicorn
"My name is Gyle and I will go to Brown Mountain against the Black Fairy so that the joy in this country will return. What is your name, little Unicorn? Why can your wings hurt? "
"My name is Purple, my wings hurt because of being exposed to the Black Fairy's arrows. Thank God I can save myself and not get killed. "
"The black fairy is very evil. I have to get there quickly to defeat him. "
"The trip to Brown Mountain is very difficult because there are many obstacles."
"I have the power of Unicorn Gold."
"Great super strength and strong physique are not enough, you need agility, speed, and strategic intelligence to avoid obstacles. I will accompany and help you through all the obstacles. Come on! To the Brown Mountain against the Black Elves and save the country. "
"Hem. . . Okay. Facing obstacles with friends will definitely feel easy. Thank you, Purple. Let's face the obstacles. Are you ready? "
"Ready!" Said Purple.
Now Gyle will not be alone in the face of obstacles. Gyle understands that having friends is something that will be very meaningful.
Gyle and Purple walked along with the winter, snow and rainbows were no longer visible because of the dark clouds covering it.
"See here there's no beauty anymore, I'm very sad," said Purple.
Suddenly . . .
"what is this? "shouted Gyle.
"That is the Valley of Chewing Gum. Be careful, if you go wrong we will be trapped forever, "Purple said.
"Oh!. it's very sticky, "complained Gyle.
"Initially the Gum Chewing Valley was very beautiful, colorful, certainly not dangerous and not sticky. But now the color has darkened and is very sticky, this must have been the Fairy Black who wanted to trap the inhabitants of the country. "
"Then what should we do? We obviously have to pass it, there are no more roads, "Gyle said anxiously.
"See there are marshmallow stones there, we have to stand on the stone quickly because the stone will shift very quickly, if we are late we will fall and get trapped in this valley. Agility and speed are needed here, "Purple said giving direction.
"Okay, Purple. You must fly and look at the stone and point me where to go. Good cooperation is needed "
"Okay. I am Ready! "Said Purple.
Purple also watches Gyle from above and directs Gyle, giving information where the marshmallow stone is moving. With speed and agility, as well as help from Purple, Gyle was finally able to pass the Valley of Chewing Gum smoothly.
"You can go through the valley with good cooperation. Now help me! " Said a strange voice.
"Who is that?" Asked Gyle.
"Earlier, when I was upstairs I saw Catty trapped on the edge of the valley," said Purple.
"We have to help him!" Exclaimed Gyle.
"But we must quickly go to Brown Mountain," said Purple.
"We have to help Catty first. Poor him if he has to be stuck longer, "said Gyle.
"Okay. Gyle! "Said Purple excitedly.
Gyle and Purple went to the edge of the valley to help Catty. Gyle and Purple finally met with Catty, Catty's legs were trapped in a very sticky valley. Gyle pulled Catty as hard as he could and finally Catty survived.
"You are great. Thank you for helping me. This is a gift for you, "Catty said while giving a gift to Gyle and Purple.
"Chewing gum? For what you give me Chewing gun, Catty? "asked Gyle.
"You will need it later, Gyle. Purple will help you, "said Catty.
"Alright, thank you Catty," Gyle and Purple said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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