Turns out the pretty music and elegant skaters were quite adept at putting people to sleep. With no sandwich left to occupy you, the sensation of sleep began to sneak in. You'd probably have given in if the doorbell hadn't rung. There was a doorbell?

Toby was on his feet in a literal second, still looking pretty exhausted as he headed over to the door. The couch was practically across from the door, and so you turned around and leaned over so you could see. He casually matted down his tousled hair before opening the door. Who was it this time? Was he expecting Tim? Was it one of the others? Hopefully not Jeff. Maybe it was the police? Yeah, no way.

"Oh... hello?" it was a woman, dressed from head to toe in snow gear, a covered tray in her hands. Behind her was a man, a large hunters rifle strung across his shoulder. You had never seen them before, and by the looks of it, neither had Toby. Still, he seemed to keep his composure.

"C-can I help you?" he asked rather politely, looking the right amount of concerned.

The woman and man seemed to exchange confused glances before the woman's eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh, you must be Nora's nephew!" she declared, sounding far too excited now, "you look just like she described. Mark, right?"

"Y-y-yeah, it's nice to meet you...?" he faked a smile, shaking the woman's hand.

"Annie," she introduced herself, "and this is my husband Joseph, don't mind his gun, he's been looking forward to hunting with Daniel all week."

"Ah, I'm sorry but Uncle Daniel broke his leg yesterday," it was almost disgusting watching how easily Toby got into character and began lying. Disgusting but intriguing. "Aunt Nora's staying with h-him in the h-hospital. She must've forgot to tell you in her panic."

"Oh God!" Annie looked horrified, "How'd it happen?"

"Tumble down the stairs," he said without any hesitation.

"Oh, that stupid man, I always told him 'Daniel you watch your step, don't rush.' Kept actin' like he was way younger than he was. God bless him, will he be okay?"

Toby only nodded.

"Well you must be so lonely all alone 'ere," the woman seemed to invite herself in as she walked right past Toby and into the house, "Luckily I brought some casserole, let me get you a plate honey." The man followed suit, pausing to hug Toby as if they were old friends, calling him son before walking into the house.

"Oh, and who's this?" Annie asked, walking over into the kitchen and placing the tray on the table before jogging back into the living room to shake your hand. These people were extremely friendly, and you supposed you liked it. Now the only issue was that Toby would probably kill them. The should have left the first chance they got.

"Son?" Annie turned to look at him, waiting for him to introduce you. Toby genuinely seemed lost.

"I'm Kathy," you picked the first name that came to mind, "I'm his...?"

"Wife?" Toby offered.

"Wife." You agreed, acting casual.

"You sound unsure," Joseph laughed, placing his gun against the wall.

"It's very new," you explained.

"That explains why Nora never mentioned anythin' 'bout you being married Mark."

Toby only nodded.

He seemed to act well but you noticed the way he was looking around, searching for a weapon, for his weapons. He probably wasn't expecting anything like this, his weapons were most likely upstairs. For the moment he was dressed in plain clothes, and the other man had a gun mere inches away, not that it mattered much.

Five Ticks 'Til I'm Yours (Dark Ticci Toby x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now