From where you were laying, you could see what remained of the Parthenon that sat atop the hill. The amount of history is what drew you two here in the first place, but you never expected to fall in love.

Aaron leaned over you and started trailing light kisses down your neck, moving down slowly as you grabbed his hair and pulled. His smile-

Someone ran into you and sent you falling to the ground. Since you were not expecting it, you fell and tore through the arms of your jumper. The skin underneath burned from the impact as you looked up at who ran into you.

A young man reached down and helped you up. He kept apologizing profusely to you, even offering to pay for your cabbie ride back home. Politely refusing, you kept moving forward, pulling up your arm to check the damage. There was blood but that was something you could handle.

At least two hours went by of you wandering the streets until you looked around and realized it was dark and you had no idea of where you were. Fear struck you in the chest as you turned in circles, looking for street signs that could lead you home. None of them you recognized. The lack of a phone and coat made you mentally kick yourself for being so stupid. Panic was setting in, causing your breathing to become laboured.

You knew you couldn't function if you had a panic attack so you sat on a bench trying to get a hold of yourself. Someone's hand landing on your shoulder made you jump up from the seat. A man was standing in front of you and you knew that there was something wrong with him solely based on how his eyes looked you up and down slowly.

The man licked his lips, "What's a pretty girl doin' out here on your own this late at night?"

"Nothing," You took a step away from him. "Please, sir. I need to get going home."

"You're lookin' a little lost there, poppet."

"No. I live just a few blocks away."

"Sure ya' do."

His dirty hand reached out and locked itself onto your wrist. Pulling, hitting, nothing worked as he started to pull you with him down the street. His hand was the jaw of an alligator. You had given up trying to get rid of him yourself and you started screaming. This made him whip towards you and cover your mouth with his disgusting fingers. The man smelled but you had no choice. Baring your teeth and clamping down on anything, you startled him enough to let you go.

"Ey!" His voice rang out as you ran. "Where do ya' think you're goin'?"

The footsteps were behind you as you ran back the way you came from. Or where you thought you came from anyways. Turning a corner but still hearing your purser behind you, you didn't risk stopping and trying to hide.

"Y/N?" John was walking down the street towards you.

His eyes widened and then turned to anger as he noticed the guy who was literally chasing you. John caught you in his arms as you ran to him, holding you tight against him.

Looking for the man, you turned your head to where he was and found him on his back. He was holding his nose with fear in his eyes as Sherlock stood over him. Seeing the look Sherlock was giving him and the tension in his shoulders, you would be scared too.

A crunch noise as Sherlock kicked his face and then the man was out cold. Turning, he walked quickly over to you with anger in his eyes.

"What were you doing?" He hissed out. "You left without a word and without a phone OR a coat. I didn't take you for being dim, Y/N. But that was the stupidest thing you had ever done. You are lucky we found you."

"Sherlock, lay off her." John rubbed up and down you back as you shivered. "They'll be time for that after we get her home."

"Here." The taller man held out his coat for you which you hesitantly put it on. No one was allowed to wear Sherlock's coat but Sherlock. John seemed to be caught off guard by this too because he gave his best friend a very strange look.

Once the police had arrived and took the man into custody, the three of you waved down a cabbie and went back to Baker Street. The sight and the smell of the flat finally allowed you to relax as you sat on the leather chair, pulling the coat closer to you as you got ready for the scolding you were going to get.

"What were you thinking?" John waved his hands around his head as he paced back and forth through the living room. "It was completely and utterly stupid of you to do that! Why did you do that? Hmm?!"

You cowered slightly,"I needed to clear my head."

"Yeah?! Why?"

"John-" The dark haired man attempted to come to your aid.

John cut him off before he could say more."No, Sherlock."

"I'm pregnant."

Your big brother didn't seem to have anything to say to that. After a few moments and realization set in, he immediately looked guilty. When he started to apologize you just waved him away, saying that everything was fine. How exhausted you were took away your ability to be angry at him right now. In your head you also knew that there was nothing really to be angry about anyways. He was just worried about you like a big brother should be.

John kissed the crown of your hair before heading home for the night. Insisting that he would be back tomorrow to help you sort everything out. The underlying meaning lingered in the air after he left but you couldn't bring yourself to think like that.

Sherlock brought you a cup of tea before sitting across from you in silence for awhile. His presence was comforting but you didn't like it. Thoughts from before had lingered in the back of your head as you waited for him to say something although he never did. Deciding that your bed was the place for you to be, you said goodnight and left to get ready for bed.

Laying in your bed in the silence was too much for you, that was until you heard the soft song that was being played on a violin.

Maybe you could get a good sleep tonight.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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One Last Hope - Sherlock x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora