" It's a fucking school, what do you mean they are anticipating what I'll be doing. It's obviously learning like every other normal kid out there." I spit.

"Except you are not every other normal kid out there Ryn. You are incredibly unruly." Clarke adds.

" When did being unruly become incredible all of a sudden ?" I chuckle. I already like this Clarke girl.

"Kate you have a great taste in friends. I like her already." I smile referring to Clarke who smiles back at me.

" Holy shit ...look at you . Good grief, aren't those too many tattoos for a girl. But then  again you are not any other girl." Clarke exclaims.

I laugh at that. Everyone who sees me actually goes ballistic over my tattoos. They just tats. What's with people looking at me like I AM a piece of fine art that's very treasurable.

" That was Clarke for you ", Kate smiles " now meet the rest of my crew".

" You mean there's more?" I exclaim excitedly.

" Meet Jerry and Jack, obviously twins as you can see." Kate pointed to two guys whose mouths were hanging open from shock.

"She has dimples too," Jerry says the same time Jack said " Look at the butterfly on her neck."

" Hmmmm," Kate clears her throat gaining back the attention of the twins as she gives them a hard glare. I just laugh at them.

" Forgive our manners ," one of the pair who am guessing is Jack said." I AM Jack and this is my brother Jerry." he says raising his hand towards me to shake.

I shake it with a small smile on my lips. " Nice to meet you Jack" I say to him and turn towards Jerry to acknowledge him with a nod.

Kate turns to another girl who seemed  to have drawn her brows together in deep concentration. She was staring hard at something just below my belly button. Before Kate  could speak she beats her to it.

" This must be a Phoenix out of the ashes if I am not wrong." She says looking me in the eye. She had hazel eyes with hair reaching just above her shoulders. One word to describe her would be stunning.

" Absolutely." I confirm her suspicion towards the tat on my belly.

" You looking stunning." I simply add. She blushes profusely causing her cheeks to turn a crimson color.

" Well um uh thanks I guess." She timidly says. Everyone laughs at that causing her cheeks to turn a deeper shade.

" Maive." She introduces herself.

"Ry......I was cut off by her timid voice again, this time a little bit more stern.."Ryn I know, everyone one knows." She adds.

" When did I become so famous around here, it's just been a month since I came back to Alabama." I joke slightly the corners of my mouth turning up a bit.

" You still up for dancing, I would so much love to dance with you." Jack says. Everyone  looked at me with expectant eyes but I was in no mood for a  dance today.

" Um you guys go ahead. I'm just gonna go get some fresh air outside. See you around." I turned to leave before anybody could stop me.

I had been sitting outside the house for around half an hour enjoying the breeze and savouring my alone time until someone had to ruin it.

" Hey there hottie, you've been sitting here alone for quite some time now. Mind if I join you? the guy asks. Ooh boy here we go again I face palm myself.

" Are you stalking me or something?" I add venomously.

"Easy there spit fire , I was just by the pool with my friends but they just left." he defends.

" So what are you doing here , shouldn't you have gone with your friends?" I ask already annoyed from the conversation.

The guy sits himself down besides me. I'm sure he already figured he was not going to get an invitation out of me.

" A beautiful girl like you should not be sitting here all by herself. So I am here to give you company ." he simply states smiling victoriously as if he just won the lottery. I simply rolled my eyes.

" Call me Ryder. This is my house, that's why I didn't leave with my friends earlier." he smiles.

The guys was not that bad to look at, he was gorgeous and all with a sharp jawline and chiseled features. His spiky blonde hair was pushed back  with just a loose strand hanging over his forehead. I swear it could have been intentional. I smirk inwardly.

All the time I was studying his  features he was doing the same with mine. To break the silence, Ryder spoke first.

" Aren't those too many tattoos for a girl?" he asks arching a brow at me amused.

" That's what everybody has been telling me but if that was your way of complementing.. Thanks." I simply say looking him straight in the eye.

That just happened to catch him off guard as he blushed in response.

" I saw the way you were looking at  me." I continue confidently.

" It's just that  I have never seen you around here ." He draws his brows together trying to remember something. " But the problem is you look oddly familiar." he states still in concentration.

" I didn't get your name ." he says smiling. His smile was contagious and it was hard not to smile back so I did.

" Ryn." I simply say.

"Ryn?" he chuckles as he says my name.
" I don't remember stuttering." I reply coolly.

" No, that's no it. I was just thinking Ryn as in the mermaid in Siren . That series is cool am actually in the second series now ." he says.

"Nice to meet you Ryn. I bet you have a sister named Donna like in the series, what are the odds right?" he chuckles.

"As odd as this sounds...I actually do have a sister named Donna." I say laughing out loud and soon he joins in.

We talked some more. He was an easy guys to talk to. The conversation just flowed naturally and rotated around school and parties.

" Anyway I have to go now it's late, I am just gonna go back inside and get my friends." I say standing on my feet.

I hear a rumble of laughter in response.

"What's so funny ?" I ask dusting my clothes and adjusting my leather jacket.

" The fact that everyone left like an hour ago because someone said the police were on their way here. Neighbors complained of noise pollution. I can't believe you didn't realize." He laughed even more.

" Are you saying we have been here for two hours?" I ask awestruck." What time is it?" I ask confused. I can't miss school again tomorrow. My dad will surely disown me, I face palm myself.

"3:45am." Ryder replies surprised himself.
" I'm pretty sure my brother Archie is not going to school tomorrow ." he thinks out loud.
" See you around Ryder I really have to go."
I rush out to the parking  lot leaving Ryder shouting ' I didn't even have your number'.
Once on my ride I put on my helmet and took off remembering dad words this evening. " You and I both know you will come back at 4:00am." I laugh at the thought.

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This chapter has been edited.

Dedicated to Bongsorr_

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