Chapter 1

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Everett's POV:

Opening my eyes, sunlight entered my eyes, making me squint as I surveyed the 4 white walls that surround me. Am I dead? Raising my hand slowly, I clenched it a few times with an unimpressed look. Seems like I'm not dead. That's kinda sad but oh well, at least my money is not wasted. Should I order pizza for once?

Hearing the sound of door opening followed by a loud drop, hurried footsteps and screams of 'He's awake!' , I stared at the opened door with judging eyes before slumping back comfortably. Okay... what was that all about? Yes I'm awake, what's the big deal about that? Never see a car accident survivor before?

Pushing myself up, okay well tried to, I let myself drop back onto the hospital bed when pain shot up my spine. Fuck. That hurt like a bitch. Feels like I got hit by a truck or something. Oh wait, technically I was hit by a truck. Hearing a gasp, I turned my eyes boredly to the source to see a doctor standing there with mouth ajar. What? "You're awake." He commented with a hint of amazement in his tone. No shit I'm awake. Now let me out so I can eat some pizza. I'm starving.

"Can you let me go now?" I grumbled out but it sounded more like a squeak. Goodness, I sound so gay. That driver better pay for my voice treatment if it's permanent. Wait. He should pay for all my medical bills!

"I'll advice that you stay for another month just in case, my boy. The height you've fallen from isn't funny and the fact that you're awake is already a miracle. You've been unconscious for 4 months already." Fall? From what height? What?

"Fall? The last thing I know, I was hit by a truck on the way home." I replied irritatedly as he gave me a worried look. What's wrong with him?

"That's not the case, Mr Fayne. You had fallen off your school building." He explained while adjusting my bed up. Wait... Huh?! The last time I even attended school was like 7 years ago! This doctor must be delusional. Wait... did he just say, Mr Fayne? I ain't no Fayne, Mr how-much-did-you-buy-your-degree-for doctor.

"Huh? I-" Before I can even complete my sentence, the doors slammed opened to reveal a pair of mid 30s couple as they stood there gasping for breath as they stared at me with large wide eyes. Okay... things are getting weirder and weirder... who are those people?

"Fayne baby... you're awake." The woman sobbed into her hands as she dashed towards me, wrapping her arms around my awkward frame as she cried against my chest. Okay... I'm really getting weirded out. Pushing her away lightly, she stared up at me with red relief-filled eyes as her partner inched forward.

"Stop. Just who are you guys and stop whatever you're doing. It's honestly weirding me out. I don't even know you guys." I spat out in slight annoyance making the couple tear up slightly. I'm the bad guy.

"Doctor, what's wrong with our son?" The guy asked calmly as I gave them the what the fuck look. Son? I ain't your guys' son. My parents died years ago.

"Can you tell me what you remember about yourself?" The doctor asked concernedly as the other 2 stared focused on me.

Fine. "I'm-" Wait. Should I even tell them my name or who I am? I don't even know them. "I don't remember." I said with a straight face, putting up an imaginary barrier between us.

"Seems like he's suffering from amnesia." The doctor concluded as the lady look like she's going to break down any moment as they asked if it's curable and blah blah blah. Can they just leave the room? I sighed loudly, taking a glance at the guy who's watching me worriedly, a soft smile formed on his lips as he patted my head gently.

"If you don't remember, your name is Fayne Johnson. You're 20 this year and a student in xxx University. The person there is your mum and I'm your dad." He explained slowly as I digested the infomation. So they have mistaken me as their son and apparently, I'm 20 and in University? "You've f-fallen off your school roof 6 months ago..." His voice shook as he struggled to continue. Tears welled up in his eyes and I turned to realise that my so-called 'mum' is also having the same expression on her face.

"We thought you died. There was so much blood. The doctor even asked us to prepare for the worse." She continued, tears rolling down her cheeks as she recalled. Damn... what's their son doing, jumping off his school building? Look how worried his parents are.

"Can I have pizza? I'm starving." I asked, not knowing what else to say. Even if they're not my parents, I felt sorry for them, for the pain that they've gone through. This made them stare at me in bewilderment before laughing loudly till tears appeared.

"Can you believe it dear? Even after forgetting everything, he still remembers his favourite food." The woman laughed as the guy shook his head in what seems like in disbelief. "Of course, son. We'll be back soon, love." She smiled warmly before pressing a light kiss on my forehead and dragging her husband along as they left the room, the doctor following after writing down the things in the notepad. It feels nice... the place she kissed... Man, I miss my mum.

Sighing lightly, I jumped down the bed, a squeak leaving my lips upon touching the cold ground with my bare feet. Stumbling a little while getting used to my legs which hasn't been used for quite a while, I took small steps to the toilet only to jump back in horror to see someone inside. Why the hell is there a random dude in my toilet?!

"Can you get out? Don't worry I won't scream molest or pervert." I called out only to receive silence in reply. What's wrong with the dude? Pushing the door open again, I peeked in slightly to see no one inside. A ghost? Oh, thank goodness. Standing straight up, I bit back a scream when the same person stared back at me in the mirror. Wait. Why is he giving me the same horrified expression? I should be the one that's freaking out.

"W-Who are you?" I questioned as his lips moved at the same time as if mimicking me. Weird. Wait. Wait a minute. If that's a mirror... where's me? Don't tell me that's... me? Ha... Haha...Oh gosh I think I'm going crazy.

Oh gosh I think I'm going crazy

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(How he looks like now^)

Pulling my pants out and looking down hesitantly, my breath lodged in my throat as I felt my eyes rolling to the back of my head. My d-dick... it shrunk! And my lion mane has turned from Mufasa to Scar! (search lion king if you dk)

I think... I'm going to faint...

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