Chapter Thirteen

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"This is my girlfriend Erin." Axl announced, his eyes glanced around the table before looking over at Slash. The guitarist stared blankly at the table making the singer glare slightly. He brushed the tips of his fingers against his exposed shoulder. Nothing. No reaction.

After about an hour into dinner, Axl was on the verge of snapping. What the hell was his problem? No reaction? No acting out? Why wasn't he jealous? He was about to say something when Izzy walked over to the table, placing a beer in front of everyone; including the guitarist.

They all eyed Slash like a hawk. Something was wrong with him, but they didn't know what. When he took a sip from the drink they all basically released a heavy sigh of relief.

"Look at you man, you feeling better?" Steven asked, lifting himself off of Duff.

"Just stress I guess." Slash replied taking another sip. Soon Slash was back to his old self that night, well appeared to be to the others. He laughed with the others and had no care in the world. When Izzy offered him a cigarette, Axl watched as he hesitated, staring at the box for a moment before slowly taking one. It was like he was contemplating, why was he going back and forth with this? One minute he would be done with the shit for good, and the next he's back on his bullshit then being shy about it. But it was all quick lived.

When Michelle showed up, Slash was back to the way he had been acting for weeks. 'Oh so she's the problem.' Axl thought to himself before looking back at his bandmate. Michelle and Slash locked eyes for a moment before Steven and Duff got up to let her sit next to Slash. 'When the hell did that start?!'

"Slash, come outside with me." Axl finally spoke up after glaring at the two for a good five minutes. The table went quietly and they all passed glances between each other. Axl's eye twitched when Michelle placed her hand on Slash's arm before he got up from the table. Axl was quick to leave the bar with Slash walking slowly behind him, like he had no care in the world. By the time Slash made it outside, he could tell the red-haired singer was fuming, angry - somewhat of a usual for him. "What the fuck was that?!"

"What was what?"

"You and Michelle, when did you two start fucking?" Axl was passing back and forth on the sidewalk, his hands tearing at his hair while the other just stood off to the side, leaning against the wall with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you-"

"Stop acting stupid!"

"Why does it concern you?" At this point, Slash was starting to get irritated. "Last that I knew - you called off the engagement with Michelle because you didn't want commitment, you broke up with Stephanie for whatever reason, you broke up with me because I didn't do what you want, and now you're with Erin." Slash bit the inside of his lip as he glared at the other who was glaring back at him. Would this be the perfect time to tell him? No of course not. "Shall I continue about how you ruin everything?"

Axl stood there glaring at him, not able to say anything or do anything. He couldn't think of any snarky remarks to say. His plan of making Slash jealous and come crawling back to him was quickly backfiring. He needed to do something, something quick. In an instant he was on top of the guitarist, his body pushed up against his and his lips firmly on the others. Slash tried pushing him off but the other side of him was enjoying it. He missed Axl, he missed this.

Axl's lips moved from his lips down his jaw and to his neck. Pushing his hair away, he placed teasing kisses on the sensitive flesh. Slash's arms wrapped around his neck, his left leg hooking itself around the singer's waist. Their lips met again and it was an explosion of rough, sweet, and angry. Behind the feelings of ecstasy and lust, Slash knew that this was just a vicious cycle.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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