Chapter Four

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Slash's Point Of View

Ever since he stopped by my hotel room, I sat there on the bed and thought everything over. I really did love him and Michelle was my best friend. I called her and talked to her for a bit. Axl really did break up with her but she didn't care. He wasn't around much and he wasn't really a good boyfriend in her opinion. That's when I told her everything. I told her how I woke up naked in his hotel room and how he suddenly says he loves me and wants me to be with him. I didn't know if he was being serious or joking. Sometimes he seems serious about things but it turns out to be a joke for him.

"I don't know what to do. Does he really mean it?" I asked her. I played with the sheets on the bed, looking down with the phone in my other hand.

"The only way to really find out is to do what he says. He did say he wanted an answer by tonight. Im pretty sure he means it. He did sound for interested in you when we were talking about you." She said. I sighed and looked towards the clock. We would have to be leaving soon towards the venue. There I would tell him.

"I will tell him before the show."

"So how was it?" She asked.

"How was what?"

"The sex." Michelle said giggling while I sat there blushing.

"Honestly... It was amazing. It was the best sex I've ever had." I replied. I stood up from the bed and walked towards the window. The sun was starting to go down and traffic began to get busier as the concert drew near.

"Wow. We never had sex while we were together, which is surprising."


"Well you should start getting ready for tonight. Call me after and tell me what happened." She said. I nodded. We said our goodbyes before hanging up. I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the room, closing the door. Just then, Izzy came walking down the hall.

"Hey Slash!" He called out. I looked over at him and walked his way.

"Yeah? Whats up?"

"Axl is already at the venue. He wants to talk to you." Izzy said. I nodded, taking a deep breath. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I was way past nervous.

"Okay. I'm actually heading down now. Do you want to come?" I asked.

"Nah I'm waiting for popcorn and Duff." He said. I chuckled slightly at Steven's nickname. He just randomly came up with it and we all decided to go with it. I was still getting used to it.

"Okay well I'll see you there." I began walking down the hall and thats when the panic began setting in. What if he was just doing this to embarrass me? I bit my lip to try not to scream out. Thats how nervous I am.

I made there without being stopped and attack by crazy fans. I was let in and looked around. I couldn't find him. I walked backstage and thats when I saw his red hair. I smiled slightly at the sight of him but as I walked closer to him, I realized he was with a young girl. Late teens maybe. They were talking, his arms wrapped around her waist, then moving up her body. She let him do it and his lips found their way to her mouth, down the side of her face and to her neck.

"So it was all a joke..." I mumbled to myself. How could I have been so stupid? I knew all along it was but deep down inside I was hoping it wasn't. I sighed and walked to the dressing room. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the cooler and sat down on the couch. I was really pissed off, beyond pissed and embarrassed. I was embarrassed with myself for believing such a thing and letting Axl play that stupid mind trick with me. I keep wondering to myself, why do i even love him when I know what he's like and what he does. I was pissed off with him doing that to me. Luring me in, convincing me things were safe and then stabbing me in the back.

I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. I was so frustrated with myself. Just then the door to the dressing room opened and Axl walked in with her. I grabbed the bottle and walked out. I didn't want to see him. What did I ever do to him that caused him to do this to me?

Axl's Point of View

I smirked with my arms wrapped around her waist. She was sexy, better than Michelle. I opened the door to the dressing room and my eyes immediately fell to the couch. Slash was sitting there, curled in the fetal position while sitting up with his face in the pillow. He looked up at us before grabbing a bottle of whiskey on the coffee table before walking out.

"Whats his problem?" Erin asked. I was going to shrug until everything hit me.

"Shit." I opened the door and ran after him.

"Axl!" She called after me but I didn't care. I just fucked up so horribly that the love of my life just walked out, pissed off at me. I was really looking forward to being with him.

After a few minutes of looking for him, I found him back stage near the equipment. The bottle of whiskey was halfway gone and he was biting down on his lip. I walked over and sat down next to him. He looked over and moved away, refusing to look at me.

"Look, I know your angry-"

"Angry? No I'm not angry." I looked at him as he stood up. He seemed so calm. "Im not angry at all. What is there to be angry at? You're still you. You trick people into safety and then at their most vulnerable you strike. Why should I be angry at my own mistake? I knew what was going to happen and I was foolish enough to take the risks. But what really got to me is that you broke up with Michelle and lied to her. You lied to her saying that you were going to be with me, like you wanted. She was happy about it and she was fine with it. But then you go and fuck around with some little girl like anything that you said didn't matter. You don't care about anything, all you care about is you. You don't think about anyone else. I have fooled myself into thinking you were complete opposite but the truth showed what kind of a whore you really are. Im not angry. Me being angry right now. Im furious, more than furious. I cant even describe how angry I am!" I didn't say anything. I let him scream and yell. He needed to.

"You're right." I said.

"Of cour- wait, what do you mean I'm right?"

"You're right. I'm a complete asshole and whore who doesn't deserve you. I don't deserve Michelle, Steven, Izzy, Duff, this fame, the fortune. I don't deserve any of this. I'm treated like a God when in reality I'm the complete opposite. I wouldn't be surprised if you-" I was cut off when he pressed his lips against mine. I looked down at him as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I closes my eyes and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his waist. But why? Why is he doing this?

"Y-yes." He breathed out after he pulled away but we were still close, our lips barely an inch a part.

"What?" I whispered in shock. Does he mean it? After everything that just happened?

"Yes, I will be yours." He said. I smiled and picked him up into my arms. He chuckled and brought his lips down onto mine. We couldn't stop smiling. I kisses him back, running my tongue against his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He opened his mouth and I explored every inch of his mouth.

Regular Point of View

Steven, Izzy and Duff had just arrived at the venue.

"We should go find Axl and Slash." Izzy said. The other two nodded. Duff saw a security guard and pulled him over to the small group.

"Hey, have you seen Slash and Axl?" He asked. He nodded.

"Yeah I saw them head to the backstage." The security guard said. They nodded and walked there. As they walked over, they were greeted to see Slash and Axl in another heated make out session. They all looked at each other and slowly walked away, letting them have their moment alone.

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