I regret nothing.

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*Y/n starred a groupchat*

*Y/n added Bruce*

*Y/n added Nat*

*Y/n added Wanda*

*Y/n added Vision*

*Y/n added Bucky*

*Y/n added Steve*

*Bruce logged on*

*Nat logged on*

*Wanda logged on*

*Vision logged on*

*Steve logged on*

*Bucky logged on*

Y/n - Hello my relationship friends!

Steve - What?

Wanda - Relationship friends = friends in relationships.

Bucky - What's up?

Y/n - Well-

Bruce - Do not say the sky.

Y/n - Well-

Nat - Or the ceiling.

Y/n - God darn it.

Steve - What is the matter?

Y/n - Why does anything have to be wrong?

Vision - You only invited the 6 of us out of everyone.

Y/n - You're the only ones in relationships!

Y/n - And the most sensible. Don't tell the others I said that.

Bucky - Are you scared of them?

Y/n - I will kick your butt.

Nat - The only reason you're not swearing is cuz Steve's here right?

Y/n - Yeah. Thought I'd give him a break.

Steve - Thank you?

Y/n - Anyways no. I'm not scared of them. I just don't want them to be offended because I'm not a - a bad person.

Wanda - Nice save.

Bruce - So like the ships and the time when Tony found out about your prank?

Y/n - I'm socially awkward! Yay!

Bucky - That's why you left?

Y/n - Yep... that's why.

Y/n - Hold on...

*Y/n added Gamora*

*Gamora logged on*

Y/n - Question are you still darting Peter As as in Quill?

Gamora - Well hello to you too. and yes I am.

Y/n - You're right, yes, sorry, hello.

*Y/n added Peter Q*

*Peter Q has logged on*

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