It's the author!

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-'ღ'- y/n's pov -'ღ'-

R/n was good at manipulating everyone, and from what I saw she totally told Lucus another story. What the actual fuck was going on? I didn't sign up for this!

I signed up for money~

"I'm glad that you both came," she smiled all sinister in such, and it made my skin tingle!

"I'm leaving," Lucas growls, not even taken a look at me. But r/n grabs him by the arm very tightly making him feel quite uncomfortable.

"Listen to me and listen well you both have been going at it no stop! Everyone is sick of it because both of you share a joint rap, and if your glaring at each other the entire time! INSTEAD of dancing and rapping, we've got a problem." R/n growls, "So fix it."

Was all she said before she left the both of us in the cafe mumbling something along the lines of don't go back until we've fixed ourselves. I thought it was useless to even try, and think we could ever be civil because for no reason this bitch ass hated me.

Sigh this is tough.

"Hello, have you decided what you want to order yet?" The waiter asks, and we both growled, "No." Glaring at each other, "Stop copying me."

"No, you are copying me!" we said in unison again.


Out of anger the both of us storm out of the cafe but as we exit at the same time our bodies clash together. As we squirm to get out, we end up nearly busting our back still holding our intense glare, "What the hell's your problem, buddy?" I ask it takes the bigger guy to stop things, so I guess...

I should be the bigger guy...

"The hell's my problem? What's yours," Lucus scoffs and I stare at him in shock my jaw to the ground. Detached from my mouth and literally jaw laying on the ground. The literal nerve of this guy! That's it! Fuck being the bigger guy, he like fifty feet taller than me.

"My problem?" I scoff barely controlling my anger as I tap my foot on the ground, nice thought's y/n! Nice thoughts!

But the only thoughts that begin to pop into my mind were my fights, fighting in the ring. Punching the shit out of assholes who thought their dicks were big, but plot twist! It wasn't they were little shits who only knew how to talk big, "You're my problem! All you do is find ways to fucking be a little shithead when I do, and or say anything! You've better fix yourself or we are going to have real problems," I growl suddenly letting out everything I had locked up.

He stood there in shock opening his mouth then closing it, he seemed at a loss. Like a fish out of water, I didn't want to listen to anything he had to say, so I just turned around. He was probably going to make himself the victim and I could sure as hell make him the victim.

If he said the wro--

"Y/n! W-wait up," A deep voice called out and I turned around to see Lucus come crashing straight into me. In the end, we both toppled over with him on top of me, "Y-Y/n I--" He stuttered his face slightly red, he was sprawled on top of me and I didn't enjoy it. One bit, "Lucus get off of me," I growled and he shot up looking anywhere but at me.

"You're not even going to help me up?" I exclaim as I hold out my hand, "Geez so much for being a man," I grumble I push myself off the ground, a frown plastered onto my face.

"Y-Y/n, you're bleeding," Lucus exclaims as he cups his giant ass hand on my cheek tilting my head up, he uses his free hand to touch my forehead that trickles with a warm thick liquid.

He shakes his head hastily, he takes my hand pulling me forward to God knows where. "L-Lucus what are you doing?" I manage to ask still in a daze from the tumble. He looks back with a hardened look, "We gotta get you help," He replies and my eyes widen as I attempt to dig my feet into the ground, but it's useless.

I look like a child being dragged out of a candy store, "Lucus! I'm fine," I groan as he drags me to 'some help' If he takes me to this so-called help. They are going to see that this is a wig, and I can't let that happen! If that happens then the cat's so out of the bag. Only Jaehyun and R/n know my secret and I don't need daddy long fingers knowing!

We suddenly come to a stop, and I look up to see us at a pet shop? I turn as fast as the sweet of light toward Lucus, "I-Is this some joke?" I growl feeling quite offended that he'd take me to a fucking pet store of all places!

"Out of all the places that offered 'help' you pick a fucking pet store?!" I roar feeling the same anger I felt when we were outside the cafe, and Lucus just stands with his mouth opened in shock.

For the hundred, thousandth, million, catrillion, bazillion, gadiddlion, friggeillionth time today!

"Y-Y/n why the hell is your hair, s-so long," He mumbles as he points to the long locks that blow in the wind.

I try to touch my head, but the fucking author decided to make me do it in slow motion. Like a fucking scene in those Korean dramas, and I can't do anything since I'm literally moving my hand in slow motion!

"C-Can you stop? You're making me uncomfortable," Lucus says as begins to shift under my graze, "Seriously you're freaking me out just touch your hair! And close your eyes a little they look like they're about to fall out!"

"Do you think I want to do this?" I ask in disbelief, "I'm trying! Blame the author,"

"The what?"

"It's all a simulation,"

"Excuse me?"


(ノ°ο°)ノauthor's note! ヾ(-_- )ゞ

hello, we're back! after month's of putting off this book, i decided to revisit where it all started. i really don't remember the plot, but i do... kind off, but i hope to finish this book soon.

since there's going to be a part two.

maybe, girl, i don't know.

i can't even finish a book.

sad boi hours.

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