Smoldering gaze? Teenage girls?

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--R/n perspective--

The sentence replayed inside my head over and over again until it was just a jumble of words. Y/n was hyperventilating right next to me whilst I stood in shock of what just happened. 'How could Mr. SM do this to me? First, you think I'm a "guy" with a high pitch voice, and now you want to recruit the "guy" who tried to beat my ass? (and fail BECAUSE we tied!) What drugs is this guy on!? I mean come on! This can't be possible Y/n and I under the same company? Hell, Y/n HATES idol companies! There's no way she'd join so I'm good, totally fine. She won't know that I'm debuting as a male idol, and she will just brush this entire interaction to the side and do homeless things.'

"Not to be rude mister, but what the hell are you asking me to join?" Y/n asked. 'Oh fuck, oh fuck no, oh hell to the no, MISTER SM PLEASE DON'T ANSWER!' I yelled in my head hoping he would get the message through some telepathic bullshit. "R/n what the hell is wrong with you? You look like you just shit your pants!" Y/n said out of nowhere. 'What the hell bro! You don't just say that in front of my boss ugh you idiot!' "Y/n, wasn't it? R/n isn't going to shit his pants he is practicing the smoldering gaze that he will use to win the hearts of teen girls all around the world." Mister SM interrupted, and then I felt like I really was going to shit my pants.

"Smoldering gaze? Teen girls?" Y/n mumbled to herself as she thought it was as if a light bulb started to flicker in her tiny elementary school educated brain. "As in..."

"Yes, Y/n as in idols! That is something you'll need to have if you want this position as visual in our group." Mister SM interrupted.

Suddenly it was hard to breathe. Oh shit, I'm going to shit my pants for real if Mister SM goes on!

"Visual for what? I don't understand." Y/n blurted out embarrassed.

'God we both stopped going to school at the same time, yet I'm somewhat intellectual while she's... another story.'

"Y/n I want you to be the visual for a male idol group I'm going to debut soon. There are many benefits of coming under the wings of SM Entertainment! As in free housing, free food, and being a puppet for my domination over the koREAN/MAYBE U.S MARKET, and having almost all your earnings taken from you. BUT get this there's free food!" Mister SM said enthusiastically with jazz hands as well.

'Damn it! He used the free food line on her, she definitely won't say no now! Oh shit, I'm screwed! He used the same thing on me too! Ahh it felt like yesterday I was deceived into becoming, I mean becoming a trainee under my own free will for SM Entertainment!! Yeah! "You can be hooked in, but it's you who must reel yourself to shore," was what a wise man once told me... Rest in peace master, rest in peace.'

"R/n, hello? Are you there?" someone said breaking me from my thoughts it was Mister SM. "Uh, Yes sir?" I replied, and he gave me a smile. "Why don't you tell Y/n about the benefits of becoming a trainee under SM? He doesn't seem convinced."

'Mister SM you don't understand how that's a good thing because one it saves my ass, and two I hate the bitch, she only deserves pain, for all the pain she's put ME through!' I thought to myself. 'Damn, I need to grow some balls and tell him that! Hah BALLS! I'm a girl cross dressing as a guy! I should have a pair of balls, but I don't HAH! How ironic...' I sigh to myself before turning to a confused Y/n. 'God, she's so stupid! Now don't attack me voices in my head! She literally has the education of a 12 year old. LITERALLY! I mean I do too, but I'm not that stupid. FACTS!'

"Idiot! MISTER LEE SOO MAN CEO OF S -- s for star! M -- m for moon! ENTERTAINMENT -- E for--" I started to say slowly so she'd understand, "DUMBASS! I Know what SM Entertainment is! I mean me? Idol? Those two words don't go well together..." Y/n sighed looking at the ground.

For a second I felt bad for her... Then I thought WTF abort mission! We cut Y/n off years ago bye bitch you're dead to me lmao lololhehekekeke! 'She's not worth your sympathy R/n.' A voice in my head said. 'You're right!' I replied back, 'she isn't worth it!'

"YOU STUPID! You just said your name and idol, but the building hasn't come crashing down!" What the hell am I saying? My mouth is betraying my brain! My heart is telling my mouth to say these things, and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable.

Y/n looked at me with glassy eyes. Ugh, I hated when she cried! She looked so ugly, it made her nose expand and my stomach want to throw up! 'Not nice r/n!' My inner thought scolded me. 'What? Can you blame me! Go to my memories back in 2007 where she scraped her knee and fell,' I told my inner thoughts. 'Oh shit! What the hell is wrong with her face! I-- I'm scared! She's so pretty, but so.. So UGLY!' My thoughts cried, 'Yeah... now you know.'

"Y/n do NOT cry. I repeat DO NOT CRY! You look weird and it makes me want to throw up! And as I was saying don't be afraid to take some chances like a wise master once told us 'You can be hooked in, but it's you who must reel yourself to shore'" I told her.

"Wasn't it 'A fish without fins is still a fish just without fins'?" Y/n asked. "No! Idiot, it was 'A fish with fins is just as equivalent to a fish without fins'!" I exclaimed. 'How could she forget masters wise words!'

I felt bad for Mister SM. He just stood there as we argued about the past, "Y/n I'm not saying you should take the offer, but you also should... your homeless, and smell like *sniffs* moldy dead fish. This could be your chance at something good!" I said, but Y/n shook her head. "I'm good at underground fighting R/n," she said. 'Ugh, this stubborn bitch!'

"Yes, you are good at it, I'll admit, but you won't hear it again! So don't get excited, but underground fighting can only last you so long what will happen when they find out your secret?" I asked quieter, and felt a sharp pain in my rib.

"What about you? Your secret will come out someday too!" she said trying to defend herself. 'Ugh so stubborn!'

"Yes, my secret will come out one day, but at least I'll have money in my bank account to deal with that. You can only make so much doing this type of business. Come with us! Join us." I said thinking I'd regret it, but honestly, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off my chest, and I could breath healthy and happily.

Y/n looked at me probably shocked by what I said. I mean hell I was as shocked that those utter sentences came out of my mouth too! But I couldn't just leave her hanging to rot in this hell hole.

"So what do ya say Y/n?" I asked. She smiled at me, "I say... Yes."

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