The Anaki Prophecy ~ Ch. 6

Start from the beginning

I looked at the patch of ground he just patted and opted instead to sit on the stone path I was standing on, sitting directly in front of him rather than to his side. I looked at him. "Explain."

"You know how history says 200 years ago the Anaki were wiped out?" Preston asked. I nodded. "Well, your history books got it wrong."

"What do you mean by," I started but Preston cut me off.

"Do you want me to explain or do you want to ask questions?" he asked. I closed my mouth and looked at him frustrated. People didn't just talk to me like that, but I wanted answers. Preston continued, "Most of the Anaki were kileld in the battles, but not all. Those who were left moved deep into the woods to rebuild. Elder Eowli used his magic to dig the ravine then placed the mist around it."

"So the fog was magic," I exclaimed, "Which is why I kept getting confused in it?"

"The mist confuses people and pushes them back unless they know how to use magic to push through it," he paused, "Or are led in by someone who does."

"Wait, so this," I started, everything clicking. He nodded, "And you?"

He nodded again. "We've lived in secret for years, training our own in magic, keeping a weary eye on the outside world, waiting and preparing."

"Preparing for what?" I questioned.

Preston opened his mouth, searching for the right words, but the door opened as he thought. "You can come in," Angel offered, seeming more tired than she had only moments ago.

"Is he alright?" I jumped up.

"He needs rest," she explained, "But he will be fine."

I followed her inside, feeling the warmth radiating from the hearth. The house smelled of herbs, cedar, and cinnamon and the combination filled my nose, summoning long supressed memories of my mother. I pushed them away as she led me into a small side room, Preston on my heels. There, on a bed that was low to the ground, lay Barrett. His breathing was normal and he smiled at me. "Sorry," he softly spoke. "Next time I'll listen to your feelings." I took in a deep breath, not sure how to respond. "Hey Alex," he tried to smile, "Did you know there's still Anaki? I bled, a lot, and Angle and Aron, they're Anaki healers, they saved me."

"I know Barrett," I smiled gently, "They want you to be able to go home to Alison."

"Me too," Barrett yawned, "After we finish our mission."

"Right," I assured him, "Now get some sleep."

"I will," he yawned again as his lids hung low. I watched as they closed. Barrett settled into a sound sleep. His chest rose and sank lightly and I stood there a moment before turning to Angel.

"Thank you," I offered her with deep gratitude. "I have no clue what you did for him, but you saved him. Thank you."

Angel smiled with warm eyes, reaching her hand to rest comfortably on my shoulder. "It is what we do," she told me. "Some destory, some manipulate, some protect, and we restore. All are important if we are to maintain balance, as you will soon learn." Preston's eyebrows raised at her last statement and Angel nodded understandingly. "Your friend will need to stay here to rest."

"Where will I stay?" I requested. The room was small and I worried I might be in the way if I tried to sleep on the floor.

"With Preston of course," Aron spoke from behind me. I looked at him questioningly.

"What Aron means is it is late and I have an extra room in my cabin," Preston attempted to clarify, "If that suites your desires."

I nodded, "I sleep on the ground in the woods most of the year. And accomadations at all are positively wonderful."

"Excellent," Preston smiled, "Thank you Angel and Aron for everything. We shall see you both tomorrow."

"Goodnight Preston," she responded, "Have a good night too Alexandria." I looked at her, confused and perplexed. No one called me Alexandria since my parents died, except Eddie when he was trying to be smart.

"Good night," I said wearily. We walked out the door and the smell of the town filled my senses. I had been in such a hurry before, I'd missed the smell of the flowers, the smoke rising from the chimneys, and the fresh water smell.

"It's great, isn't it," Preston said, noticing that I was breathing deeply.

"Yes," I looked down. "How did your sister know my name?"

"Barrett must have said it," Preston looked uneasy.

"Barrett only knows me as Alex," I insisted, "Your sister knew my full name."

Preston took in a deep sigh, "It's a really long story that I think it's too late to get into tonight."

"What are you talking about?" I demanded. Then Preston stopped in his tracks so aburptly that I crashed into his side. "What?"

"Well, I guess you'll find out soon enough," Preston whispered. I followed his gaze to the large wood cabin in front of us with rocking chairs on the front porch. In one of those chairs sat a wrinkled man with flowing white hair and a beard as long as his torso. Preston approached then bowed slightly. "Elder Cartu," he greeted and I gave a slight bow too.

"Rise Preston," he smiled, "Rise Alexandria." I slowly rose and studied the face of this man. His blue eyes twinkled like Uncle John's use to and when he smiled, even with all the wrinkles, he gave off a young glow. His body was hidden beneath a large coat of skins and in his hand was a large walking stick.

"Elder Cartu," I finally asked, "How do you know my name?"


Twist... What did you think? Please let me know. Comment, vote, fan, share, ect. I really enjoy feed back :)

Oh, and this is dedicated to supernatural-lover, who talked to me while I had to retype this whole thing after firefox crashed... thanks for keeping me sane girl. Check out her story.

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