Who the Fuck are you

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      I threw my phone across the room out of sadness."Why do they have to be gone another week" I cry out under my hoodie. I look up to see my phone buzz saying, one new message from mom: sorry Tori its for the best we will be back home soon. At that i just turn my phone off. I sigh "well what do I do now no family no friends just stuck here alone, that word always stuck in my mind. "Well I better get ready for bed."

* Time skip *

    I just threw my body on my bed and sobbed some more. I kept sobbing I think i fell asleep im not sure      But I open my eyes to see my window open and a figure at the foot of my bed.

I do what any person whould do. I screamed, then I jumped up and ran to my door. The figure stoped me and tackled me. I chould now see that it was a male with blond hair and WTF whats wrong with his eyes. I mutterd "who the fuck are you." And he laughed and replied with a deep light voice in my ear "im Ben the last thing you'll see." He got my pillow HE WAS GONNA SUFFOCATE ME!!!!! he got to inches from my face and smiled. Then I did the worst.


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