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A few hours ago, Ilya told me he was getting his wisdom teeth out and asked me if I wanted to fly out because it could make good content.

I said yes, of course, since it's been a few weeks since I came home. And knowing how Ilya is whe he's drunk I'm sure him being high on gas could get interesting. I asked Natalie to book us flights and we went on our way.


As expected Ilya got high as fuck and started doing crazy shit. He got hit on the head and all the typical things he does when he's drunk. But a few hours in to him being like this, I remembered when Todd told me about him wanting to hook up with Natalie when he ended up sleeping on her bed.

So while he was sitting in the floor high as fuck I asked him, "Ilya, do you have a crush on Natalie?" Of course Natalie wasn't there so he had nothing to worry about and I really was curious.

He didn't even think twice when he answered back a bit slurry, "Yeah, of course." Then he just laughed and something else got his attention.


I made an excuse about finding a bathroom somewhere because this got me sweating like a fucking waterfall.

Ilya likes Natalie. What the fuck am I gonna do now?

What most of the vlog squad knows is that Natalie is my best friend and my assistant. That is all. That's what Ilya thinks, and probably even everyone except Carly and Erin.

A few months back I had no feelings for Natalie, like at all, and she probably didn't either. But I guess the fans got to me and made me think a whole lot about our situation.

No one really knows me as well Natalie does. She knows the good, the bad and the everything about me. With her I don't even think twice about sharing or talking. I just flow whatever is on my mind and she listens. It goes both ways. I have the attention span of a 3 year old, but when it comes to her I can listen. It beats me but it just comes naturally.

It had always been like that. But seeing all the comments and reactions of the fans to the both of us, it gave me a different perspective. A much needed perspective now seeing it in hindsight. It made me see that we could be good together.

Which is why only Carly and Erin are in the know of the secret that has been kept for about a month and a half.

They helped me pull myself together and actually ask Natalie out. I played every scenario in my head. All the bad outcomes and shit that may happen. I could've lost her. But the reward was bigger than anything I could've wanted. I would be with my bestfriend.

So, I did it. 2 months ago while it was just Natalie and I watching some movie on the couch I just, sort of, blurted it out.

"Natalie, I know this may seem strange and I would totally understand if you say no. We could just forget it and whatever but, I'm just curious, will you ever consider going out with me?" I probably rapped that whole thing but I was too nervous. My voice was shaking and I could barely look her in the eye.

She just stared at me for, I promise you it felt like 30 minutes but, it was just probably 30 seconds before she chuckled a bit. "The fans got to you huh?" Was all she said but she gave me a look and I knew she was gonna say yes.

And she did.

Our first date was weird, but not bad weird. Not at all.  It was jus one of those times where you just know someone too much and you never saw them in a different light. But that night I did. I saw something in her, in us, that could possibly be great and I was happy.

I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet, but it had been in the list of things I had wanted to do. But now, with Ilya, it complicates things.

I don't know what to do.


I get out of the bathroom I escaped to and I bump into Natalie who had obviously been looking for me. I had been inside that bathroom for a while.

"Dave!" She says as she spots me. When she got closer she said, "Where the hell have you been? We've been looking for you for like twenty minutes."

"I just needed some air." I say totally out of it.

She gave me a funny look, that was so vute but I would never admit it, which instantly made my mood better then said, "So you went in the bathroom-- for air?" Then she does her signature laugh that has probably won everyone over.

"Okay, I need to tell you something because I don't know what to do."

"What is it? You look worried." She moved closer to me took my hand.

"Ilya likes you. Like he likes you."


As we got back to the hotel I sat down on the bed and I just stared at the wall.

It's fucking weird but whenever my with you my mood comes up.

I just wanted to shit my pants when Ilya said that. He has genuine feelings for a girl he doesn't know I'm already dating and who I have very strong feelings for. Why did this have to happen when I'm already falling for her?

Natalie comes in to my room looking worried probably already knowing how much I'm freaking out.

"Carly and Erin went out for a bit. Can I sit down with you?" She asks with a soft voice.

"Yeah. Come here." I say as I reach my hands up to her asking for a hug.

When she reaches me I pull her in and hold her tightly. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know what we're gonna do about Ilya but I just wanna tell you something before your head starts spinning in circles." She looks at me then she caresses my face. "David, it's probably too soon and I really wanted to say this a little bit far down road but I know I need to tell you now because I'm scared that you'll overthink this whole thing. That you might want to end it because of how you give everything you can to make your friends happy." A tear falls down her eyes and she looks down.

I know what she's gonna say and I'm gonna say it back because it's how I've felt for a while  now even if it might be too fast.

She looks up at me and she gives me a stare that I want to look back at for the rest of my life, "I love you David. I love you. Please do---"

"I love you too Natalie. I have for a while now too." I interrupt her and now she just looks stunned. But then now she's crying and I pull her in for another hug. I pull away just a bit to kiss her. To make her feel that I mean it. "And don't worry I may be freaking out about Ilya but this, you and me, is the one thing I'm never gonna give up. Not ever."

We hug for a long while and we give each other soft kisses here and there but I realize something, "Natalie? Will you be my girlfriend? Officially?"

"Yes. I would love to be." She givesme the sweetest smile and I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

"But now, what are we gonna do?" She asks.

"I know it would hurt Ilya, but I think we should just tell everyone tomorrow. He's one of my closest friends so I hope he understands."

I'm still worried I'm gonna lose one of my best friends but I just can't give this amazing girl cuddled next to me up. She's a big part of my life now and she will be for a long time.

"So tomorrow we tell everyone?"

I nod. "Tomorrow."

I'm nervous as fuck but something in me is excited to finally be able to be with her around everyone.


David and Natalie One Shots (Datalie)Where stories live. Discover now