Chapter 2: Green RUN!

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It was midnight on the farm. The crew decided to rest there for the night. The zombies didn't seem to be coming anymore but just to be safe Stuhlinger took the first shift as he usually did. He liked to be alone as it left him with his thoughts. If only he hadn't eaten that zombie meat then he wouldn't be having these hallucinations conversations with this "Rictofen". He couldn't tell the others what he did they'd kill him out of suspicion. Suddenly he felt as if his entire body was under someone else's control and he could only see through a blue light.

Misty lay awake in the room all three of them shared just for safety purposes. She lay awake not just due to Russman's loud snoring but also due to her reminiscing on how they got here. She was enjoying a beer with her friends at a Honkytonk in the 60's before a random light appeared and she was pulled away into the future of 2025. She noticed the world was in ruins and zombies ravaged the earth. She found some weaponry to defend herself with and bunkered down hoping someone would come by.

*Clank* *Ding* Misty had awoken and grabbed a weapon that she had nearby. She'd only seen zombies so far but she kept hoping for an actual person. *Thump* she heard something fall and looked around the corner she saw a man in a white button up with black pants and a tie. He was face down but there were glasses nearby so he probably wore those. She hoisted him up into a chair and put his glasses back on his face. "Wow he's kinda cute." Misty then shook her head and mentally slapped herself. "Now's not the time to be thinking about that."

She left to go get water for him. "Ugh" He said to himself as he awoke. "What happened?" He asked looking around before he spotted a woman with a pistol in hand sleeping. She had apparently fallen asleep looking over him. He blushed slightly at her choice of attire, a red flannel shirt with partially exposed bra and midriff she also wore weathered looking jeans and a baseball cap and had her hair in a ponytail. He then spotted a glass of water on the table next to her and quietly got up to retrieve it. Normally he would wait for her to wake up and ask but he was just to thirsty. As he started chugging it down his sloppy drinking awoke Misty.

She raised her pistol at him but he was still drinking so she fake cleared her throat to get his attention. He noticed her before quickly putting the glass down and putting his hands up. "Uh I surrender?" He said as his voice began to clear due to the water. "What's your name?" She asked lowering her guard slightly. "Marlton Johnson." He said slowly looking a little more at ease with the situation. She lowered her pistol and said. "Names Misty" She would have told him her real name but she doesn't like it and she doesn't fully trust him yet. "Ok I don't mean to be rude or anything but do you have any food I haven't eaten in 4 days." He said looking a little desperate. She squinted her eyes at him before walking away and coming back with 2 cans of beef & cheese and gave him both of them.

"I was going to move out tomorrow and eat one of those before I left but you can have them you need it more than I do." She then watched him open one of them and the smell hit her nose and involuntary her stomach growled loudly. He looked up at her before looking back at the can with a sad look. She hadn't eaten in 2 days as she was trying to make her supply last as long as possible. She just walked away quickly and sat in a corner blush clear as day on her face.

He then got up and went over and handed her the opened can with a smile. "I thought you hadn't eaten in 4 days." She said almost jokingly. "Eh there's 2 anyway." He said as she took it he went back over and opened the other one and started eating. Her blush deepened as he left and she then slowly started eating her own.

She was unbeknownst to herself she was smiling and staring at a sleeping Marlton. She then glanced over at Russman and started to remember how they met him and Stuhlinger.

She and Marlton had been fighting the zombies for about 30 minutes now they made their way into town and were confronted with a horde of zombies and were forced to fight. Just before they were overrun a bus pulled up behind them and a man dragged them both into the bus. Russman floored it and they got out of there. "Nice save there, names Russman and this is Stuhlinger" said the driver. "Names Marlton and this is Misty." Marlton replied. "What kind of a name is Misty?" He asked. "Ask again and you die!" She threatened and he dropped the subject.

As she finished her thought she heard some clanging downstairs and went to investigate. She saw Stuhlinger messing with some artifact. "What are you doing?!" She asked urgently. "You see I haf taken control over ze body of your friend Stuhlinger and now I vill bring you to us. He said as he activated the portal and jumped through. She called to Marlton and Russman before also jumping through the portal.

She waited about three minutes and then Marlton and Russman came through behind her. "What in tarnation are we doin' here Misty?!" Said Russman obviously cranky for not getting enough sleep. "Stuhlinger started speaking with a German accent and then he summoned the portal you saw and he jumped through." She explained quickly.

Nikolai was waiting around the corner spying on the new people before he felt a tap on his shoulder and was punched in the face and fell in front of the group. Stuhlinger raised a pistol to him and asked. "Who are you?!"

"More importantly who are all of you?" Said a tired looking American who also came around the corner.

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