Cioccolata X Reader (Lemon)

Start from the beginning

Cioccolata sits up straight and looks around in confusion for a few seconds, his brows furrowed together as he finally looks at you again.
"I'm sorry, love." He speaks, almost shocking you from how low toned his deep voice was and how smooth it sounded coming from his throat that was raspy from thirst.
"But do you have any water?"

You nod your head and hand him the gallon in a hurry, watching carefully as he downs half the thing in a single sip.
"Sir, what on Earth were you doing in the middle of the Sahara with no water whatsoever?! You could have died if I didn't find you!"

"Yes. It seems so." He purses his lips together menacingly before standing up and dusting off his clothes.
Upon him getting up, you notice his wounds again and gasp at the sight of the blood leaking and colouring his white pants red.
"A-And you're hurt! Seriously! Are you crazy? Get on my camel, I'm taking you home."

The man cocks a brow up at you skeptically.
"You..." he tilts his head to the side, inching closer to you with every step as a wicked smile begins stretching his purple thick lips.
"Are beautiful. Really. You'd even make an excellent addition to my tapes."

"Tapes?" You take a step back when he takes a step forward, eyeing him carefully.
"What tapes? What the hell are you even talking about? And don't you try anything, I have a knife and I'm not afraid to use it."

Cioccolata's wide eyes burst in sparkles as he seems extremely enlightened by you.
You furrow your brows at the peculiar man and make sure your hand hovers over the dagger.
"Listen, man! You're already pretty injured, okay! Just get on my camel and let me get you the hell out of here!"

"Hmm." He hums, his deep voice vibrating through your body and soul.
"Okay. I'll come with you."


"Just stay still, okay?"

July 8th, 6 PM.

"Your hospitality is well appreciated, darling."

Cioccolata sits back on the bed shirtless, exposing his toned abs to you with no hesitation the second you offered to nurse his wounds.
You first wiped away the dried blood clean with cold water, and now you were applying medicine and crème over his hot skin that felt like clouds against your fingertips.
"You still haven't told me who you are!" You look up into his curious eyes. "If my dad finds us like this, you and I are both dead if I don't have an explanation."

"Dead?" He tilts his head to the side as you sat on your knees between his legs and nursed his wounds.
"But why? Why would me being inside your home vex your father so much? Perhaps... is it taboo?"

"Huh?" You look up into his eyes and cock a brow up in confusion as he smiles down at you menacingly.
Suddenly, Cioccolata slaps the medicine away from your hands.
You gasp loudly and jump to stand up at the same time he stands up as well, towering over you creepily.
"H-Hey! The hell do you think you're doing?"

"Tell me, (Y/N). Is it taboo to find his daughter in a home alone with a grown man? Oh, I bet it is. I bet it would irk your father beyond imagination to see a man alone with his daughter, shirtless..." he gently runs his slender fingers down his own body as he holds eye contact with you.
"While she presses her fingers against his bare skin..."
You swallow hard as Cioccolata reaches a hand out to touch you, his fingers caressing your cheek as though asking for permission to touch you before fully cupping them in his palm.
"And lets him touch her skin. It's so taboo, but exciting, isn't it?"

His voice becomes softer yet all the more deep, cold green eyes that pierced your soul made your knees weak as you watched him inch his face closer to you.
"Ohh..." he breathes out, his hand moving down to hold your jaw perfectly in his fingers as though they were made for each other.
"You know what would be even more taboo?"

𝕁𝕁𝔹𝔸 𝕏 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣  (Mostly Lemons)Where stories live. Discover now