Chapter 1: Meeting Naruto, and Team Dead Last

Start from the beginning

What shocked the Sandaime, was that it was the Byakugan. The Sandaime asks, "How did you get that eye?"

Naruto sarcastically says, "Jiji, How do you think I got the eye? I bit it out of the guy that tortured, and then raped me."

The old Hokage just deadpans, and says, "Well, since you don't have your left eye anymore, how about we implant that one" I'll even have the Hyuga train you in its use, and their Taijutsu, but before that we need to get you a new arm. I even know a perfect doctor that will implant the eye, and make you a new arm."

Naruto asks, "So the doctor doesn't hate me?"

The Sandaime, with a grin says, "She'd never hate you."

Naruto sighed, then asked, "Jiji, I'd like to do that now please, if that's ok?"

The Sandaime says, "It's perfectly ok."

The then left the tower, on their way to see the best Medic-nin in the world Tsunade Senju. When at the hospital, the receptionist was about to yell something to the "Demon", but she then saw the Hokage, and asks, "Hello Hokage-sama, what are you doing here?"

The Hokage says, "I'm here to see Tsunade." He then left the waiting room, and goes straight to the room that the Senju is in.

Once their, the Sandaime gives a special knock onto the door. It then opens, and closes. After a couple seconds, the door again opens, but this time the two males get grabbed, and pulled into the room.

Tsunade angrily yells, "WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!?"

Naruto says, "The villagers tortured, and then raped me, but I got the guys...Beakgan."

The Sandaime says, "It's called the Byakugan. Tsunade, we want you to implant the eye, and make a prosthetic arm, since his arm got cut off at the elbow. "

Tsunade yells, "WELL, I SEE HIS ARM GOT CUT OFF AT THE ELBOW, AND I WILL DO BOTH OF THOSE!" After calming down a little bit she continues, "When ever he is injured just bring him to me, ok?"

The Sandaime just nods, and leaves the room, allowing the Senju to work. After a couple of hours, Tsunade brings the Hokage in. the Sandaime asks, "Well, how'd it go?"

Tsunade says, "It's a success, but it'll be a week before he can remove the bandages. So he'll have to be under the care of an adult. Which means I'll look over him. You are way to busy."

The Sandaime asks, "Aren't you also busy?"

Tsunade says, "I barely get patients. So no I'm not busy, and plus we can teach him some basic first aid. I mean He can't always rely on his regeneration, can he?"

The Sandaime says, "No. No he can't. Learn everything you can Naruto-kun."

Naruto nods, and said, "Will do, Jiji."

Once the old Hokage left, Tsunade says, "If you need anything come to me ok. I'll always let you in. Whether if it's to talk, or you need to heal. Ok, Naruto-kun?

Naruto nervously says, "Thank you, Kaa-chan."

Tsunade asked, "Kaa-chan?"

Naruto then perks up a little, and says, "Yeah. You're pretty. You are one of the four people who likes me. Plus you're too old to be my Nee-chan, but too young to be my Baa-chan. So you are my Kaa-chan."

Tsunade just blushes and says, "Ok then, Sochi."

She then ruffles Naruto's hair. Tsunade then said, "I'll get the prosthetic started. While my apprentice will teach you." seeing the nervousness of Naruto, she then says, "Don't worry. Shizune like you, and plus she is like my daughter. Which makes her your Nee-chan."

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