Chapter 26 - First Day Back

Start from the beginning

I shook my head, and stored the thought in the back of my head to contemplate at a later time. For right now, we need to find a way to get currency, because I doubt Ruld would be accepted here. Although the metal will definitely hold SOME value, it won't be enough for us to get by.


Huh? What was that noise? opening the menu, I scanned over and saw that I had a new message. Probably from Akio-sama, since she was the only one that can actually send me messages. So, I opened it up and it read as follows:


Dear Sora,

Hi there!!!! It's your favorite Goddess Akio! Welcome home to Japan! I do hope that you remember the deal that was made for being allowed to travel between here and Auralel!

I also forgot to mention something before! As you transfer between the two worlds, any currency that you accumulate within your dimensional space in either world, will then be converted into the currency of the world you go to. So it basically means your Ruld has been turned into Yen, and when you go back your Yen will be turned into Ruld.

Aren't I great? I hope you praise me! (\(*v*)/)

This means that you don't have to live on the street like vagrants until you find a home!

<3 Goddess Akio <3


"Haaaaaa...She is a completely irresponsible goddess...She could have mentioned all this crap earlier when she created the spell for me. I hate having the information withheld from me." (Sora)

However, I suppose that this means our money problems are gone now, so long as we can keep a good income in Auralel. I guess for now, we should try to find a decent apartment to rent that won't cost us too much money. Before doing so, I made sure to send her a message in return. Nothing big, just complaining about how she is too lazy to check and see if she had told me everything I needed to know before it comes up later.

After sending the message to the goddess, I reached into my pocket, out of habit, to get my phone. I felt silly for doing so though, since I don't have a cell phone anymore since it was on my old body.

Well, guess after we can acquire an apartment, I should try and get us some cell-phones so we can communicate with each other, if we aren't all home at the same time.

With our objectives now laid out, we started to search for a realtor that wouldn't mind renting an apartment out to a couple of 'high school students.' Hopefully we can find a decent one near a school. I'd like it if the girls could use the schools as a way to understand the culture of my world, as well as how things are completely different between here and Auralel. Also, I suppose it would be worth it to finally finish my high school education huh? The only drawback is that I'll have to repeat a grade since my new body is a little younger than my old one.

Now that I think about it, what information did the goddess put in for our identification? With this in my mind, I reach my hand into my jacket to make it look like I am searching my pocket. In reality, I have opened up my storage and pulled out our identification documents.

Thankfully the goddess was able to make sure it matched up properly with how it was when I was alive before. Reading over it, our identification documents stated that the three of us were siblings sharing the last name of Aise, that we came from a small island nation located in the Pacific, we moved to Japan alone with parental consent so that we can pursue a higher education, and that Sana and Noroi were sixteen years old and I was seventeen years old. This body's real age is seventeen, so I was thankful for that.

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