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⚠️Long chapter ahead⚠️

Y/n's POV

I'm alone and having fun with Eduard, we're sitting on my bed, and used a table which is used for 'breakfast in bed'.

We were having a tea party, that's why. It was nice, comfortable and peaceful.

"Thank you for inviting me, Y/n. I really hate too much in exerting some efforts and stamina just on that activity. Glad to have you excused me earlier from that one.." Eduard said, sipping his tea.

"You're welcome, well, I.. kinda wanted to do something.. since that exercise was for boys only. True, that this camp was just for boys.. but an exemption for me, just because I'm the headmaster's daughter. I hope the others won't think I'm too unfair, for dragging you out of that activity. And I hope Dad and Yuri-nee-sama won't mind." I said.

"Oh, I know they won't.." Eduard said, sipping his tea and so did I.

"So!.. which of them caught your eye?" Eduard asked.

"Um.. caught in the eye?" I asked. Literally, not knowing what it is.

"It means, 'Is there someone in this camp caught your whole attention and INTEREST?" Eduard said, and emphasizing the last word.

"Ohhh!! Yes of course!" I nodded.

"Wait-- seriously?! Ooohhhh!! Who is it?! I'm really desperate to know right now! Once you intrigued me, there are no excuses." Eduard said, squealing.

"Well, the campers and the whole camp!" I said, smiling.

I love all the campers and the whole camp itself! Because of this camp, I made more friends than I used to have. All I have are people who are the same level as me. All formal and full of respect. Unlike the campers in this camp, even if I'm much more higher standards than them, they welcomed me and treated me as their equal and a family. I'm glad I met everyone in here and I got into the same cabin with Seto and Felix. We always had fun alone in our cabin, we would play some board games, and watch Seto play some games on his androids, we would sometimes sleep altogether in one big futon. It was all fun! And same goes to the others! They are the most 'people who are fun to be with'.

"Really?" Eduard showed a uninterested face.

"Y-Yes, why?" I asked.

"Y'now what? You're too dense.. haven't you heard of romance? Like y'now, cheesy stuffs?" Eduard asked.

Cheesy? Is it filled with cheese?

"That sounds... Tasty?" I said, in an awkward tone.

"OMG.. you don't know what that is?! Let me just welcome you into the world of memes and jejemons!" Eduard said as he grabbed my hand and raised it up, and shouted.

"Know what? And meme-what now?" I asked.

"Memes and Jejemons GURL!" Eduard shouted in my ear.

"I-I'm really sorry!" I whimpered, as I collabed my hands together and bowed to him for apology.

"And... You're too formal!" Eduard pointed out.

3rd Person's POV

The boys were finished in their exercise, and went back to the shack to put the things they used earlier.

"There.. we're all done.." Natsumi said, in a exhausting tone yet in a relieved manner.

"Yep! Glad we're still alive after that intense exercise.." Hunter said, and Felix agrees.

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