29. New Friends and Trouble pt 3

Start from the beginning

Leonard grabbed the Cold Gun, but before he got to use it he had to duck back into hiding, as gun fire rang throughout the laboratory. The shots echoed off the walls, making Deserey jump. She hadn’t heard an actual gun fire since she’d lived on the streets, and the shots didn’t exactly strike up any good memories.  Vostok hurried down the stairs in the opposite direction. Dez shoved her dark memories down as she and Carter followed the Mick's lead. Carter flew around, smashing guards' heads against each other. Dez send sand blasts at a group of guards, who thought she’d make an easy target. (Unfortunately for them she was just waiting for a chance to let out all her pent up aggression, and they were the perfect excuse.)

Mick shot flames at anyone who moved; Leonard fired ice at anyone who came near him, the two partners being careful not to cross streams. Deserey blew a fist full of sand in one guard's face; a few feet away she spotted Mick get shot by another guard from the catwalk above theirs. She gasped in surprise, as he was overrun by another large group of guards. (Where had they all come from?) Carter flew across the way, throwing the gun man over the edge of his catwalk. Deserey heard a snap, as the guard hit the floor, but she found it hard to feel sympathetic since he probably deserved a few broken bones. Mick dropped the Heat Gun, as he began grabbling with the guards. He wasn’t going to last long, not with that bullet wound.

Rip spoke up through the coms. “Do not let Vostok leave with that thermal core!”

Carter swooped down to the ground below, grabbing a small metal box (Deserey guessed that must have been the thermal core) that had been laying on the center of the floor, as Vostok arrived on the scene with a volley of guards. One guard shot Carter in the leg, making him drop the core; and the guard dragged the injured Egyptian Prince away. Carter struggled but it was no use in his state.

Deserey and Leonard were still busy focusing on Mick. He was yelling at them to go, but Leonard looked like he wanted to fire the Cold gun on the guards, but there was no way he’d manage to do so without hitting Mick also. Deserey grabbed a fist full of sand. Maybe she could knock a few of them out with her sleep thing.

She was about to send a puff of dust their way, when another guard came up from behind her, grabbing her arm roughly. It threw her aim off, and she ended up hitting Mick and completely missing the guards. The arsonist fell unconscious, allowing the guards to carry him off as well. Deserey whirled around, decking the guy who gripped her arm and sending him spiraling over the edge of the catwalk. She turned to chase after the guards who had Mick, but Leonard grabbed her arm. (Which was kind of risking seeing as how she had just punched out the last guy who tried that.)

“There’s too many of them,” he said stiffly, ducking to avoid being shot. He didn’t sound too happy about letting his partner get kidnapped either, but at this point they had no choice. There were just too many guards. His gun could only do so much, and Deserey was running out of sand. They had to move or else risk getting taken as well. Leonard shoved the Cold Gun in its holster. “Hold on.”

Deserey yelped, as Leonard wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. She felt her cheeks heating up, and she just barely had time to grabbed hold of him around his neck before he jumped over the side of the catwalk. With his free hand, Leonard gripped a pair of metal chains, using them to slide down to the floor below with ease. He let go of Deserey as soon as their feet hit the ground. Leonard landed in a crouch like a true bad ass, but Deserey stumbled and fell on her ass, bullets flying over head, the shots echoing off the walls.

“What the fuck was that?” Deserey scoffed, as Leonard pulled her to her feet.

“I told you to hold on,” Leonard reasoned. He was moving before she had the chance to say anything else, shoving Vostok to the floor as he grabbed the thermal core before making a beeline for cover behind the chamber. Dez followed him, ducking as she ran.

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