"You woke up? Why?" Laura asked.

"Bad dreams." Chandler mumbled again. He didn't even know when he decided he was gonna tell his friends about that. He figured the new medicine he's taking was making him more honest, and he didn't even care.

"About what?" Laura asked, trying to be calm and subtle. Chandler, however didn't have time to answer when they heard someone walking up behind them.

It was Autumn. "Hey, can I sit with you guys?" She asked and everyone agreed.

She took a seat on the other side of Chandler.

"Hey, um...I'm sorry my brothers are such jerks. We're not all like that." She said apologetically.

"How many siblings do you have?" Laura asked.

"Seven. It sucks." Autumn answered and took a bite of her apple.  "There's eight of you? Your parents must've been very busy." Zay said.

"Ew." Chandler muttered, putting his head down on the table.

"Nope. Wake up!" Laura said and dragged his shoulders so that he was sitting up. "But I'm sleeepyyyyyyy...." Chandler whined. "Hold on. I have a rockstar energy drink in my book bag." Parker said and reached for his book bag.

"Are you stupid? You're aware he was just diagnosed with ADHD right?" Zay asked.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that." Parker mumbled and put his book bag back down.

"No it's fine, I can handle an energy drink." Chandler said rubbing his eyes.

"Alright. Here." Parker said and handed Chandler the can.

Chandler looked at it for a minute. "What's it taste like?" He whispered to Laura.

"It's good. Try it." She answered. He looked a little skeptical, then took a sip.

His eyes widened. "This is better than Cherry Pepsi!" He said excitedly and chugged the rest of the drink. "Yeah maybe that wasn't a good idea..." Zay said laughing.

"Careful there, buddy. That stuff speeds up your heart." Laura patted him on the back playfully. "Really? Cool!" Chandler said excitedly.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Chandler be...not nervous. Let alone excited." Parker said smiling.

The energy drink actually had an adverse effect on Chandler, which they all thought was cool.

{Time skip because I have no clue how to transition out of that}

The classes went by rather fast and it was now time for the kids to go home. "Hey Chandler. Heads up, Jareds brother is headed this way." Zay warned.

"Damn it, I was having a good day." Chandler complained.

Once Josh got to him, he slammed Chandler into the lockers behind him. "What now?" Chandler asked, irritated.

"Look here you little faggot, I don't take disrespect too well." Josh says in a mocking tone and punches Chandler in the stomach.

"Leave him alone!" Laura yelled. Suddenly they heard a new voice, one they haven't heard in a while. "Whose gonna make him?" Jared said taking a step towards Laura.

"Guys..." Parker mumbled, no one hearing him.

"Maybe I will. You're not that strong, maybe he's not either." Laura threatened.

"Guys, you're gonna wanna hear this..." Parker said a little louder, still not being heard. "That's why your little boyfriend had to handle your battles because you were in the hospital." Jared spat. "I got shot, idiot." Laura shot back.

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