I raised my brow in interest and looked toward him this time. "Quién es?"

He didn't reply, only shook his head and simply looked down, handing me a small and disposable cell phone. I looked at him once again before taking the phone and putting it up to my ear just as he decided to bolt away.

"Yes?" I said.

"Natalia, its been a while." A voice said from the other side of the call.

"Haven." I stated in distaste while sitting up.

"Yup." she replied popping the 'p'.

"How the hell are you calling me? How did you know where i was?"

"Well you have been leaving a trail of bodies, plus i heard what happened with your family...and how you turned it off, honestly i didnt expect it".

"Oh boo hoo. What do you want!" I snapped.

"To go to New Orleans." She replied calmly to which i squinted my eyes but released a chuckle.

"Well have fun." I told her and was about to hang up and throw the stupid device hundreds of miles into the Ocean.

"Come with me." She continued.

"You're kidding me right." I asked flatly and quite unamused.

"No. Come on Nat. Its been forever, you used to be fun, now look at you running from your problems-"

"I am not running-"

"You're running." She cut me off flatly then continued "Just give it a shot, we can make a sad town interesting."

I bit my lip, contemplating it. "Fine." I replied after a few seconds. It wasn't surprising that I chose to go. I am intent on staying away from that town but maybe I could change the aura of New Orleans a bit. It doesn't necessarily have to be for the better. I can make people suffer, just for the fun of it. Maybe I can destroy the little towns spirits just for the hell of it. And if worse comes to worse I can simply pack up and flee to another continent. It's a win win situation. "When will you arrive?"

"Actually i was thinking you can stop by my current location, then we can go back together."

"Well where are you?" I asked with my patience running low.

"Vancouver." she answered

"Vancouver? Well thats interesting, to say the least."

"Ive only been here a couple of hours, i thought we might have some fun with this town again."

"Hmm" i mused "I'm in."


In the 1940s me and Haven had been going on countless road trips mostly out of boredom. Our work was usually clear. We came to a city and then we left but not before destroying our fair share of property and killing our fair share of people. In 1948 we ended up in the city of Vancouver. It was needless to say, very different, and we were attracted to it. The city had a system, a vampire kingdom. Very, very similar to New Orleans, only I would describe it as less peaceful. We made our fair share of 'friends' but we were not the kind who just drank booze and relaxed, we were dangerous. Eventually we left the city in the 60s, but I'm sure we weren't forgotten.

Stepping out I look in front of me at the building. It was a fairly old building but with some fixing it looked brand new. It was made of brick and had large windows. One would describe it as almost factory like but it was not. The first floor consisted of shops and small bars. Looking to the left of the building there were two bars, side by side. One was a pub to which the drunken sailor types could enjoy their time at, and the other was more a bar to which you would go with your friends to. What was in between those two places was my destination, a metal door is what separated those two places from being completely next to eachother. As I started walking towards the door I took note of the two men casually reading the newspaper and smoking that were standing right in front of it. They were definitely vampires. When I walked up they became alert and put the papers down.

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