An Original

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Natalia's P.O.V

           As the night progressed I became increasingly bored. Finn had, thankfully, not shown up since he retreated hours ago. Since his departure, the others were simply asking me a series of questions about my life, including the matter of how I became a vampire, which I promised to share with them one day but not tonight. They were all respectful of this which was much appreciated. Kol had, unfortunately, returned after dinner and attempted to rejoin the conversation, making the occasional annoying comment. Between his nagging and with the siblings beginning to bicker again about being daggered anytime Nik threw a hissy fit, I found it fitting to make my exit.

"Well, thank you all for a lovely evening, it was great catching up but I think it's time to wrap it up," I joked while standing, "I bid you all good night, we shall speak tomorrow."

Rebekah and Elijah stood in order to say their goodbyes, Kol was observing them doing so, however Nik remained comfortably seated. For some reason, this was an act which I found odd, as I would expect him to bid me farewell. In the few seconds it took me to hug Rebekah, I grew increasingly suspicious of the look which suddenly formed on his face.

"Natalia, why don't you share your little secret with my siblings. I think it's time they knew, do you not agree?" I watched his lips stretch into a small, sarcastic smile, and I internally cursed.

"Bastard," I muttered, "Did you only bring me here to be a never ending distraction so that your siblings would forget, for a brief moment, that you've been keeping them in boxes throughout a good chunk of their immortal lives?" I asked bitterly. So much for allowing me to share my story when I was ready to do so. Elijah and Rebekah turned to look at me, both their faces exhibiting visible confusion.

"What exactly is my brother referring to?" Rebekah asked while arching a delicate brow.

"Natalia," Elijah began, "I am happy to see you, and although Niklaus is my brother, I cannot say that I trust him. However, there have been an abundance of secrets which have come to light since yesterday, and so I would appreciate if we cleared the air of any more."

He was not threatening me, but rather asking respectfully, although I wondered what other secrets he was referring to. Kol had leaned forward in his chair, and folded his hands on the table while looking up at me, surely curious as to what the secret was. I stood there for a second, a tad bit frozen. I thought about making a run for it. After all, I highly doubt that any of them would actually chase after me. But if I left in that sort of manner now, I could not return. At least, not any time soon. I stared at them for a few seconds, and they all appeared to have their guards up, as they were not sure what the nature of this so-called secret was.

I caught Nik's eye, "You know, I'll get you back for this one day," I told him as my jaw clenched.

"I'm sure you will sweetheart, but not today."

"Well, enough back and forth, let's hear it," Kol piped in and threw his hands up behind his head just as he leaned back in his chair.

I shot him a quick glare but turned to all of them with a sigh, "Ok, well as you all know, I am a vampire-"

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed," Kol interrupted and I instinctively threw the nearest object, a glass vase, at him. He caught it with ease.

Rebekah complained, "Shut up Kol, you've been becoming increasingly unbearable as the night has progressed."

"Anyways," I continued, "Long story short, I may be a vampire, but I am also more than that," I paused and stole a side-glance at Kol, expecting another interruption. However, funny enough, all three siblings were hanging on to my every word, and so I went on.

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